Functional Strengths
Functional Strengths/ Vision

 At what phases of wraparound do we ask for the strength of the youth & family?

 Engagement stage, Plan development, Transition


- A ________ is a skill, ability, resource, or talent that can be used directly to meet a need or solve a problem. 

 Functional Strength


 Functional strengths must be identified for application with each need/strategy. True or False?



 A family can revisit different phases of wraparound while moving towards transition. True or false?

  True- A family might need to revisit engagement and/or plan development while moving towards transition. 


  The youth is smart and personable. Are these functional strengths? True or false?

 False- The youth is personable and easily builds connections with others. The youth is smart and is able to recognize the impact of their actions on others.


What is a definition of a vision?

 Quotations from the youth and family regarding what they hope to accomplish and how they will feel as a result of the Wraparound Process. The vision should be positive focused and present tense.


- If new team members are added during the Plan Development stage, functional strengths are identified for these new team members. True or False?



For this same youth, how can they apply these functional strengths when experiencing conflict with peers?

 The youth uses their ability to focus to conduct a conversation with their friends about the conflict. The youth shows responsibility in engaging in this conversation in order to repair their relationship. The youth uses their critical thinking skills/problem solving skills in order to see other’s perspective to resolve the conflict.


What does it look like (Documentation wise)

Name, Youth: “include quotes." 

Name, Caregiver 1: “include quotes." 

Name, Caregiver 2: “include quotes." 

CFT Goal: Summarization of the youth and family’s vision quotes.


What Wraparound Principle can be described as “The team works on meeting the goals even when challenges come up. The Wraparound process continues until the team agrees that all goals have been met or Wraparound support is no longer needed.”

  Unconditional Care.


A youth excels in soccer. Name 3 functional strengths to apply to her identified need of increased self-esteem.

 Validation from her coach and teammates of her excellent soccer skills boosts the youth’s confidence. The youth recognizes that practice further improves her soccer skills, which teaches her that practice can improve any skill. The youth’s motivation to seek out 1:1 coaching helps boost her self-esteem which empowers her to solve her own problems.


What's the structure of  a vision (Present tense)

 The vision should be guided with (“I feel,” We can”)


Should a youth be open if their only service is BHH?

 Yes, BHH is a strategy in the ISP. The youth may remain open with CMO and continue collaborating with BHH with a tentative date scheduled for transition.


A youth identifies they enjoy math and do well in that class. State 3 functional strengths from their math skills. Hint: Not coping skills

 The youth demonstrates focus in their ability to work through math problems. The youth shows responsibility for completing their homework. The youth demonstrates critical thinking skills/problem solving skills in application of math concepts.


What's a question you can ask to help the family express their vision

 What are we trying to accomplish together? 

If everything were perfect, what would that look like? 

What changes do you hope to see as a result of our work together?

How will you feel when we’ve accomplished our goals?

What will your family’s functioning look like when we’ve accomplished our goals?
