Dosage Calc
Electrolyte Imbalances
Ethics and Legal
General Safety

Ordered: Atorvastatin 3000mcg

Available: Atorvastatin 2mg tablets

How many tablets to be given?

1.5 tablets 


These symptoms are indicative of which electrolyte imbalance: flushed skin, restless, confused, increased BP, edema, decreased UO, dry skin, agitation, thirsty.



This describes which ethical principle of nursing?

Remaining loyal and faithful in actions and care. Keeping the promise of safe, well-intentioned care



What is the treatment for infiltration of an IV fluid?

Stop the infusion and remove the IV elevate the extremity, apply a warm or cool   compress, avoid massaging the area.


How often must a nurse assess skin integrity for a patient in restraints?

2 hours


Ordered: Tylenol supp 2g q6h

Available: Tylenol supp 700mg

How much will you administer?

2.8 supp


What EKG changes might you see with hypokalemia?

Flattened or inverse T wave


True or false? While obtaining informed consent, the nurse can answer questions regarding a procedure?

False, the nurse must get the provider to answer any questions the patient might have.


A parent calls their neighbor who is a nurse. Their 3 year old ingested liquid furniture polish. What is the best immediate action?

A. Call for ambulance.

B. Induce vomiting.

C. Call poison control center.

D. Bring child to the ER.

C. Call poison control.


A nurse is presenting a module on basic first aid for a home health nurse. The patient who has heat stroke will have which of the following?

A. Hypotension

B. Bradycardia

C. Clammy Skin

D. Bradypnea

A. Hypotension


Ordered: kanamycin (Kantrex) 7.5 mg/kg IM q 12 hr

Available: kanamycin 0.35 g/mL. How many mL will you administer for each dose to a 157 lb patient? Round to one decimal place.

1.5 mL


In which electrolyte imbalance would you see a positive Trousseau sign and a Chvostek sign?

Hypocalcemia and Hypomagnesemia


This is an example of which intentional tort? A nurse threatens to place an NG tube in a patient that is refusing to eat.

Assault. The conduct of one person makes another person fearful and apprehensive.


The nurse is reviewing plan of care for a patient with an internal radiation device. Which intervention indicates a need for revision of the plan?

A. Wearing gloves when emptying the patient’s bedpan.

B. Keeping all linens in the room until the implant is removed.

C. Wearing a lead apron when providing direct care to the patient.

D. Placing the patient in a semi-private room at the end of the hallway.

D. Placing the patient in a semi-private room at the end of the hallway.


A nurse in a clinic is planning health promotion and disease prevention strategies for a patient with multiple risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Which of the following should be included in the teaching? SATA.

A. Help the patient see the benefits of their actions.

B. Identify the patient’s support system.

C. Suggest and recommend community resources.

D. Devise and set goals for the patient. 

E. Teach stress management strategies.

A, B, C, E


150 mL of Cipro 250mcg is to be infised over 45 minutes. How many mL/hr will you set the IV pump to?

200 mL/hr 


Treatment for hyperkalemia?

Stop potassium intake

Meds: IV sodium bicarbonate, IV calcium gluconate, insulin

True or false. A durable power of attorney can be any competent adult the patient chooses?



Dehiscence and evisceration of wounds are most common among which types of patients?

Obese patients, patients who have abdominal surgery, and those with poor wound healing ability.


A nurse manager is discussing the facility’s protocol regarding a tornado. Which of the following instructions should the nurse manager include in the discussion? SATA.

A. Open doors to patient rooms. 

B. Move beds away from windows.

C. Close window shades and curtains. 

D. Place blankets over patients who are confined to bed. 

E. Relocate ambulatory patients from the hallways back into their rooms.



Dopamine 600mg in 200 mL of normal saline to infuse at 10 mcg/kg/min. Patient weights 190lbs. How many mL/hr should the IV pump be set to?

17 mL/hr


A client with diarrhea for 3 days and inability to eat or drink well is brought to the emergency department (ED) by her family. She states she has been taking her diuretics for congestive heart failure (CHF). What nursing actions are indicated at this time?

A. Place the client on bed rest.
B. Evaluate the electrolyte levels.
C. Administer the ordered diuretic.
D. Assess for orthostatic hypotension
E. Initiate cardiac monitoring

A, B, D, E


Regarding patient’s rights to privacy, which situation is a violation of that right?

A. Performing a procedure without consent.

B. Threatening to give a patient medication.

C. Telling a patient they cannot leave the hospital.

D. Observing care provided to the patient without the patient’s permission.

D. Observing care provided to the patient without the patient’s permission.


An ER nurse just received a call about a tornado that caused many casualties and injuries in the neighboring county. The victims will be brought to the ED. Which initial action should the nurse take?         

A. Prepare the triage rooms.

B. Activate the emergency response plan specific to the facility.

C. Obtain additional supplies from central supply.

D. Obtain additional nursing staff to assist in treatment of the victims.

B. Activate the emergency response plan specific to the facility.


A nurse is helping plan care for a patient that was admitted for suspected pertussis. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include? SATA.

A. Place the patient in a room with negative air pressure of at least at least 6 exchanges per hour.

B. Wear a mask when providing care within 3 ft of the patient.

C. Place a surgical mask on the patient if being transported outside the room.

D. Use sterile gloves when handling soiled linens.

E. Wear a gown when performing care that might result in contamination of secretions.

B, C, E
