How do you know how much food to add to a recipe?
Measure ingredients
"I need help!"
Enlist in a team
You use this to sweep floors...
Is it okay to scream "FIRE!" in public, if there is no emergency?
Absolutely not!
Around what age should kids start using deodorant?
Children should generally start using deodorant when they experience noticeable body odor, typically around the onset of puberty. This is usually between the ages of 9 and 14
What ingredients are used to make pizza?
Pizza Sauce
Pepperoni (or whatever toppings)
What do you use to wash and dry clothes?
Washing Machine
Dryer or Clothesline (if it's warm and sunny out)
Who can I go tell if there is an emergency at home or school?
A trusted adult, like a parent, guardian, teacher, or another responsible adult. If life-threatening, immediately call 911
How many times a day should you brush your teeth?
Twice a day. In the morning and before bed
When you are all done cooking/baking, what should you do with your dishes?
Wash them
"I really don't like to clean my room or pick up after myself, but I know I can do it with a kind body and a nice voice!"
What do you use to clean carpets?
Where can I get a smoke detector for free?
The American Red Cross or your local fire department
Why is good hygiene important?
It helps prevent illness by reducing the spread of germs, builds self-esteem by promoting a clean appearance, and teaches valuable life skills that contribute to overall health and well-being.
What do you use to mix ingredients?
Whisk, spoon or Mixer
"She didn't mean to throw my paper away, I forgive her"
What would happen if nobody in the family did household chores?
It would become extremely unsanitary, very dirty and unhealthy
My ball rolled across the street, what should I do?
First, make sure it's okay with your parents/guardians to cross the road. Next, look both ways before crossing the street each time.
When should you wash your hands? List 3
Frequently throughout the day:
What should you do before you start cooking/baking?
Wash hands
Tie hair back
Don't wear loose clothing
Check area for any unsafe item placement
Perseverance and Open to Change
How do/would you properly take care of your pet?
feed and water
clean up any mess they make
bathe and brush their coat
clip their nails (With parents help)
What is public safety?
Public safety for kids includes teaching them to be aware of their surroundings, to avoid strangers, and to cross the street safely.
How often should you take a shower?
According to most experts, young children (under 11 years old) generally only need to shower two to three times per week as their skin doesn't produce as much oil and they don't typically get as dirty as older kids; however, if they're particularly active or sweaty, they may need to shower more often; once they hit puberty, daily showers are usually recommended