What does HTN stand for?
What is hypertension?
A patient is admitted with gastrointestinal bleeding. One of the earliest and most important blood tests completed will be:
A. Electrolyte Panel
B. Arterial blood gasses
C. Liver panel
D. Complete Blood Count
What is D? Complete Blood Count (CBC)
True or False: Most of the fluid in the body is found in the intracellular space.
What is True?
A patient experiencing mania has not eaten or slept for 3 days. Which nursing diagnosis has priority?
A. Risk for injury
B. Ineffective coping
C. Impaired social interaction
D. Ineffective therapeutic regimen management
What is A? Risk for injury
What is IM?
What is intramuscular?
What does SOB stand for, medically?
The nurse is reviewing lab results with the patient. Which diagnostic study determines how well blood glucose levels have been controlled over the last 3 months?
A. Blood chemistry
B. Capillary blood glucose
C. Hemoglobin A1C
D. Serum Electrolytes
What is C? Hemoglobin A1C
What is the only type of fluid that can be administered with blood products?
What is 0.9% Normal Saline?
A female client who received general anesthesia returns from surgery. Postoperatively, which nursing diagnosis takes highest priority for this patient?
A. Acute pain r/t surgery
B. Deficient Fluid Volume r/t blood and fluid loss from surgery
C. Impaired physical mobility r/t surgery
D. Risk for aspiration r/t anesthesia
What is D? Risk for aspiration r/t anesthesia
What is q.i.d?
What is four times daily?
What does VSS stand for?
What is vital signs stable?
The nurse is teaching a patient with heart failure about diagnostic tests. Which test should the nurse emphasize in this teaching?
The nurse is caring for a diabetic patient who has been NPO for surgery. The nurse would question which of the following IV fluid choices?
D. 1/4 NS
What is B? D5LR
Nurse Dana is monitoring a postoperative patient and is being particularly vigilant about the potential development of atelectasis. Should the issue arise, which nursing diagnosis would be most appropriate to label this problem?
A. Decreased cardiac output
B. Ineffective airway clearance
C. Impaired spontaneous ventilation
D. Impaired gas exchange
What is D? Impaired gas exchange
What is a.c.?
What is before meals?
What does COPD stand for?
What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
When is an MRI contraindicated for a patient?
What is people with metal in their body?
Which solution below is not a hypertonic solution?
A. 5% Dextrose in 0.9% Saline
B. 5% Saline
C. 5% Dextrose in LR
D. 0.33% Saline (1/3 NS)
What is D? 0.33% Saline or 1.3 NS
A female patient is diagnosed with deep-vein thrombosis. Which nursing diagnosis should receive the highest priority?
A. Impaired gas exchange related to increased blood flow
B. Fluid volume excess related to peripheral vascular disease
C. Risk for injury related to edema
D. Altered peripheral tissue perfusion related to venous congestion
What is D? Altered peripheral tissue perfusion related to venous congestion
What is qhs?
What is at bedtime?
What does CABG stand for?
What is coronary artery bypass graft?
What is the correct way to place a 5-lead telemetry monitor on a patient?
White over Green on Pt's right side
Black over Red on Pt's left side
Brown in the middle
The nurse is assessing the following ABG values: pH 7.21, PaCO2 64 mm Hg, HCO3 = 24 mm Hg. What does the ABG reflect?
A. Respiratory acidosis
B. Metabolic alkalosis
C. Respiratory alkalosis
D. Metabolic acidosis
What is A? Respiratory Acidosis
A patient is admitted with increased ascites related to cirrhosis of the liver. Which nursing diagnosis should receive top priority?
A. Fatigue
B. Excessive Fluid Volume
C. Ineffective breathing pattern
D. Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
What is C? Ineffective breathing pattern
What is BUCC?
What is buccal?