Ch 31
Ch 38 & 39
Ch 41
Ch 42 & Ch 30
Ch 46 & 47

Name 3 of the 7 rights of medications. 

1. The right medication - verify order and that it is the correct medication = Compare the label of medication with MAR 3 times (before removing form med drawer/cabinet; when removing from container; and at bedside when administering)

2. The right dose - Proper medication calculation/pump set up - unit-dose helps minimize errors

3. The right patient - Use two patient identifiers and barcode scanning to verify correct patient.

4. The right route - Follow ordered route - contact provider if one is not provided.

5. The right time - Consider frequency of medication frequency and timing required for particular medications

6. The right documentation - Document accurately at time of med admin - patient's full name, full name of medication, time of admin, and dosage, route and frequency of admin

7. The right indication - Make sure the medication is being used appropriately - medication reconciliation can help ensure proper ordering


Name one example of an isotonic exercise.

Walking, swimming, jogging, bicycling - activities that cause muscle contraction and change in muscle length (isotonic contraction)


Name a late sign of hypoxia.

Central cyanosis


The nurse is administering blood within the 4 hour infusion time and notices that the patient is exhibiting a temperature of 101.7 deg F. The nurse stops the blood transfusion  Name the next priority action prior to discontinuing the IV catheter. 

Start normal saline at rate to keep vein open using new tubing.


This is a common urinary alteration that is described as diminished urinary output in relation to fluid intake. The first action the nurse should perform for this is assess the bladder for distention.



The length of needle that would be used for a deltoid injection on an adult patient.

1 - 1/2 inches. The gauge of the needle would be 25 gauge (smaller gauge number = larger the needle diameter; Ex18 gauge is larger than 25 gauge). 

Subcutaneous injections - shorter needles 3/8-5/8 inch. 

See Skill 31.5 Administering injections - Needle Length for immunizations p. 691


The nurse uses this piece of equipment to assess orthostatic hypotension.

Blood pressure cuff


Name 2 effective ways to prevent pneumonia and get patients to clear airways.

Cough (use of the huff technique), deep breathe, turn - should be done every 2 hours; Incentive Spirometry (IS); Ambulating


Name 2 assessment findings of an IV that has infiltrated.

Edema of the extremity near the insertion site; Skin discolored or pale in appearance; Skin cool to the touch; Skin taut/shiny


Name an example of an intervention a nurse might incorporate in a bowel training program for a patient who is incontinent of stool. 

Record times when the patient is incontinent; Encourage appropriate positioning on the stool (ideal sitting/squatting not leaning back on hips); Help the patient toilet at designated times; maintain normal exercise within the patient's physical ability; choose a time based on the patient's bowel pattern


This is the angle that the syringe enters the skin for an insulin injection.

45 - 90 degrees (subcutaneous = insulin)

Intradermal (TB or tuberculin test) - 5-15 degrees

Intramuscular (IM) - 90 degrees


Name 1 consideration for safe patient handling when preparing to move a patient who is able to assist.

Face the direction of the movement; Use proper body mechanics; Keep a wide base of support; Keep the body's center of gravity low; Use arms and legs; Leverage, rolling, turning, or pivoting requires less work than lifting


Name a nursing diagnosis that would be priority for a patient who has pneumonia with a respiratory rate of 30 breaths/min and heart rate of 110. 

Impaired gas exchange


0.225% NaCl (1/4 NS) and 0.45% NaCl (1/2 NS) are examples of this type of solution. 

Hypotonic solution (have effective osmolality less than body fluids)


True or False: Fecal occult blood tests require you to use a large amount of stool on the guaiac paper, is a sterile procedure, and requires you to test the quality control section before testing the stool. 



This is done to a vial before inserting the needle to prevent infection.

Clean with alcohol swab and allow to dry. 


This is one of the five components of mobility assessment that determines the degree of limitation or injury to a joint. It can determine extent of joint stiffness, swelling, pain, limited movement, and unequal movement. 

Range of Motion - ROM


Name 2 considerations when suctioning a patient with a tracheostomy.

Limit length of suctioning to 10 seconds; Do not apply suction when inserting the catheter; Apply intermittent suction when removing gently rotating and removing the catheter; Set suction from 80-150 mm Hg; monitor O2 saturation; Hyperoxygenate (if warranted) before and after


In the steps of an IV insertion, the nurse will apply the tourniquet and select the vein. The nurse then releases the tourniquet before doing this next step. 

Clean the site - then reapply the tourniquet, insert vascular access device, and advance and secure.


Name 1 normal assessment findings of a stoma placed 1 day ago. 

Moist; Shiny; Pink

Concerning if dark purple/black = Lack of circulation


Name the three main sites for intramuscular injections.

Ventrogluteal (adults, children and infants - preferred for deep IM injections - large volumes and more viscous and irritating like antibiotics) 

Vastus lateralis (used in adults and is preferred site for immunizations for infants, toddlers, and children)

Deltoid (Used in adults - potential for injury due to nerves; Use for small med volumes; Used for immunizations in toddlers, older children, and adults)


This is a postural disorder noted by a lateral S- or C-shaped spinal column with vertebral rotation, unequal heights of hips and shoulders (can be caused by congenital, idiopathic, and neuromuscular disorders)



This oxygen delivery device should only be used for oxygen rates of 10-15 L. 

Non-Rebreather mask


This is the formula used to determine pack-years.

Packs per day X number of years smoked = pack-years

Ch 30 - Lung assessment

Number is used as a screening tool providing cumulative exposure indicator of smoking burden and used to assess risk for developing smoking-related diseases for clinical practice, research, and healthcare policy.


The three betadine swabs for a foley catheter insertion on a male are utilized in this motion for all three swabs.

Circular strokes - beginning at meatus and working outward
