Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Exam 4
How often should you turn patients to protect their skin and complications of immobility?

Every 2 hours


What factors can influence pain?

Emotions, previous pain experience, sociocultural factors, communication and cognitive impairments, life stage.


A family consists of mother, father, son, uncle, cousin, and friend. This type of family would be considered?



Examples of false positives for fecal occult blood test?

NSAIDS, anticoagulants, corticosteroids, etc.


What are some examples of non-pharm pain relief measures?

Acupuncture, TENS units, massage, Temp. therapy, cognitive-behavioral interventions, immobilization.


What are examples of correct body mechanics to educate patient on?

Minimize bending and twisting of back, keep objects close to your body, squat to lift heavy objects, use wide base of support (feet spread apart),


What are some safety measures to provide to a patient experiencing a seizure?

Turn patient on their side, apply suction if needed, stay with patient, document characteristics of seizure, create safe environment, pad side rails, etc.


ABG: pH:7.55 Pco2:29 HCO3:22, What state is the patient in?

Respiratory Alkalosis


A patient has been prescribed a clear liquid diet, what are some examples of foods the patient can receive?

Water, tea, coffee, clear juice (apple, grape, or cranberry), popsicles, carbonated beverages, gelatin.


At what angle should a subcutaneous injection be performed?

45-90 degrees depending on amount of adipose tissue (less adipose tissue the lower the angle)


This is a blend of concepts that include thinking, doing, and caring.

Full-Spectrum Nursing


Who is legally responsible for discussing the procedure, risks and benefits, and obtaining informed consent?

The primary provider conducting procedure


This oxygen delivery system is used to give high flow rate and capable of delivering an Fio2 of 100%.

Nonrebreather Mask


What are some risk factors or causes for constipation?

Dietary pattern (low fiber, processed foods, poor fluid intake, large amounts of milk), activity level, medications (opioids, laxatives, calcium and iron supplements), psychological factors (depression)


What are the steps of mixing insulin?

Inject air into cloudy, inject air into clear, withdraw clear insulin, measure clear/calculate combined dose, withdraw cloudy insulin, administer.


What are the 5 rights of delegating?

Right Task (Can I delegate it?), Right Circumstance (Should I delegate it?), Right Person (Who is best prepared to do it?), Right Direction/Communication (What does the UAP need to know?), and Right Supervision/Evaluation (How will I follow Up?)


What is the Z-track technique and what is the purpose?

Seals the needle track and prevents medication from leaking out of muscle up through needle track into subcutaneous tissues. 

Less painful, helps prevent irritation of subcutaneous tissue.

Example: iron preparations that irritate or discolor.


What are the Kubler 5 stages of grieving in order? And what factors can affect grief?

Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. 

Significance of loss, support system, unresolved conflict, circumstance of loss, previous or multiple losses, timeliness of death, spiritual/cultural beliefs.


This wound involves full thickness skin loss, and the base of wound is obscured by slough and eschar. What kind of pressure injury is this?

Unstageable pressure injury


What are some tips/ things you should perform when bathing a patient with dementia?

Focus on patient not the task, distract, gentle shower, bathe at regular time, provide privacy, avoid sensory overload, foster independence, explain procedure simply, do not rush, and let patient know before you touch them.


What precautions should be performed for patient and nurse during Airborne precautions?

Isolation room with negative pressure, keep room door closed, Don N-95, have patient wear mask if transporting.


What are some guidelines for receiving a verbal or telephone prescription?

Have second nurse listen if possible, repeat the written prescription (read back), spell unfamiliar names, prescriptions must be counter signed within 24hr, make sure prescription makes sense.


What are two important requirements for informed consent?

Patient must be alert, rational, mentally competent, and not sedated when they sign. 

Information must be given to them in a language and vocabulary they can understand.


Vegetarian type diets must choose foods carefully to include enough of which nutrients?

Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Iron, Calcium, Zinc, Protein.


What are signs and symptoms of hypocalcemia?

Diarrhea, numbness and tingling of extremities, muscle cramps, tetany, convulsions, cardiac irritability, positive trousseau and chvostek signs.
