Assault and Battery is called a
What is a intentional tort
First thing to do before teaching a patient
What is assess
Person may go by they instead of he/she
What is a non-binary person
A drug given as needed
What is PRN
Dilaudid's main adverse reaction
What is decreased respirations
Negligence is called a
What is an unintentional tort or fails to do something for a patient.
Patient doesn't follow the teaching plan
What is non-compliance
Patient speaks a foreign language
What is an interpreter
A drug given immediately
What is STAT
Lasts greater than 3 months
What is chronic pain
Restraints for a patient who wants to leave the hospital and is alert and oriented.
What is false imprisonment
Teach patient and have them explain what they learned
What is the teach-back method
Born male but identifies as female
What is transgender
Morphine class
What is a narcotic or opiate
Morphine's main adverse reaction
What is hypotension
Patient on a 72 hour hold
What is a legal 2000
Give patient materials for review after teaching
What are resources
Person prays 5 times a day while facing East
What is Muslim
Ativan class
What is a benzodiazepine
Takes 30 minutes to start working
What are PO meds
Written defamation of character
What is libel
The patient learns best by reading
What is their learning style
Identify your beliefs and biases
What is cultural self-awareness
Med, patient, dosage route, time
What are some medication rights
Don't smoke when using this
What is oxygen