
When writing a follow-up letter after a job interview, you should:

  1. Describe your salary requirements and detail 

  2. Use the salutation ‘Dear Sir or madam’ 

  3. Explain how you meet the business's needs 

  4. Include your references’ contact information 

Explain how you meet the business's needs


Which of the following is an accurate way of describing someone with emotional intelligence:

  1. A person who ignores their emotions 

  2. A person who becomes emotional very easily

  3. A person who has a high IQ 

  4. A person who recognizes and manages emotions

A person who recognizes and manages emotions


Often, people can creatively resolve a conflict by 

  1. Debating 

  2. Deciding 

  3. Brainstorming 

  4. Mediating 



Which of the following situations demonstrates accountability:

  1. Glenn stands up for what's right even when it's not easy, fun, or popular

  2. Manny tries to treat all of his employees the same and doesn't give anyone special privileges 

  3. Madison finishes her project by Friday just as she promised her boss she would

  4. Gavin blames his coworker for a mistake he made on a report

Madison finishes her project by Friday just as she promised her boss she would


Daylan goes to his manager's office to ask her a question, but she is on the phone. What should Daylan do? 

  1. Use hand signals to silently ask his manager of the question 

  2. Leave his manager's office and come back later to ask the question

  3. Interrupt his manager's phone conversation to ask the question 

  4. Sit down and his manager's office and wait for her to hang up 

Leave his manager's office and come back later to ask the question


When preparing a resume, which of the following should you avoid:

  1. A uniform, evenly spaced layout 

  2. Placing all information on one page 

  3. Unique, patterned paper 

  4. Common, standard fonts 

Unique, patterned paper 


Why is it important for individuals to assess their personal strengths and weaknesses? 

  1. To improve their performance

  2. To be able to respond appropriately in a crisis 

  3. To get the most bang for their buck 

  4. To be able to negotiate their contracts 

To improve their performance


Which of the following is often one of the causes of discrimination:

  1. Stress 

  2. Prejudice

  3. Harassment 

  4. Diversity 



When Olivia is at work, she believes that it is important to focus on doing her job to the best of her ability and not waste the company's time or money. Therefore, she always makes personal phone calls, sends text messages, and socializes with her co-workers during her lunch break. Olivia is demonstrating:

  1. Integrity 

  2. Humility 

  3. Empathy 

  4. Flexibility 



Your supervisor is upset about a current problem. After listening to them, you indicate that you understand how they feel. Your attitude as an example of 

  1. Indifference 

  2. Submissiveness 

  3. Assertiveness 

  4. Empathy



A company that contracts a small advertising firm to coordinate its TV commercials is an example of:

  1. Licensing 

  2. Committing 

  3. Organizing 

  4. Outsourcing 



If your supervisor gives you negative feedback, and you are unsure how to correct the problem, you should:

  1. Blame a coworker

  2. Ask the supervisor for more information 

  3. Ask a coworker what to do 

  4. Continue to perform as usual 

Ask the supervisor for more information


An employee who was able to adjust to changing conditions possesses the desirable trait of

  1. Loyalty 

  2. Adaptability 

  3. Tact 

  4. Friendliness 



One way all employees can demonstrate initiative is to 

  1. Create more work for other employees 

  2. Learn all they can about the company 

  3. Take part in community activities 

  4. Make sure they receive appropriate benefits 

Learn all they can about the company


What must businesspeople be willing to do to successfully work with people from other cultures? 

  1. Accommodate differences 

  2. Promote uniformity 

  3. Learn another language 

  4. Limit expectations 

Accommodate differences 


Lately, you've been feeling like you don't fit in. You've been spending a lot of time by yourself. You decide to start thinking positively, and you start going to more school functions and meeting new people. You are using the _______ method of problem solving:

  1. Brainstorming 

  2. Mind mapping 

  3. Intuitive 

  4. Appreciative inquiry 

Mind mapping


Michael sometimes says he's sick when he actually just doesn't want to go to work. He convinces himself that what he's doing is okay by saying, “Everyone else is doing it, and my boss will never know.” Michael is

  1. Being accountable 

  2. Behaving ethically

  3. Acting with integrity 

  4. Making excuses

Making excuses


How does communicating with others help you to maintain a positive attitude? 

  1. By allowing you to justify your opinions

  2. By informing you about others achievements

  3. By providing you with support for your ideas 

  4. By helping you to feel understood 

By helping you to feel understood 


When you are evaluated by your immediate supervisor, and they tell you all the things you can do to improve your job performance, that is an example of

  1. Constructive criticism 

  2. Interpersonal relationships 

  3. Harassment 

  4. Self-control 

Constructive criticism 


It is important for individual team members to be ______ the team's goals. 

  1. Curious about 

  2. Indifferent to 

  3. Committed to

  4. Undecided about 

Committed to


Why do businesses implement chains of command? 

  1. To keep business operations flowing smoothly

  2. To prevent employees from staging and uprising 

  3. To present a positive image to the public 

  4. To satisfy the requirements of labor unions 

To keep business operations flowing smoothly


When Hannah is introduced to a new employee at her firm, she always smiles and looks the person in the eye. Hannah is using a form of 

  1. In your face Behavior 

  2. Non-verbal assertiveness

  3. Aggressive behavior 

  4. Verbal assertiveness 

Non-verbal assertiveness


What personality traits are employees exhibiting by taking time to learn customers’ names, to talk in terms of customers’ careers or hobbies, and to listen carefully when customers are talking?

  1. Interest

  2. Enthusiasm 

  3. Tact 

  4. Honesty 



People need to learn how to adjust to change because

  1. It is the only constant in life 

  2. We benefit from making changes

  3. It helps us to influence others 

  4. We should help others to change 

We benefit from making changes


When Jonah's manager reprimanded him for missing a deadline, Jonah said, “I didn't have all the supplies that I needed, and there wasn't enough time to do the work correctly.”  To avoid taking responsibility for his actions, Jonah is 

  1. Blaming others 

  2. Acting indifferent 

  3. Making excuses 

  4. Being deceptive 

Making excuses
