Infection Control
Foley Catheterization
Isolation Precautions
It's All Relative

Nurse Betsy knows that the most important thing she can do to prevent the spread of infection is?

A. Update her white boards

B. Place all patients on prophylactic antibiotics

C. Wash her hands

D. Place every patient in isolation rooms

C. Wash her hands


This serious complication can occur if a Foley catheter
 is left in place for too long without proper care.

What is a urinary tract infection (UTI)?


The goal of surgical asepsis is to remove most organisms.

True or False.

False. ALL organisms


The mask necessary for entering the room of a patient on airborne precautions is known as a?

A. N95

B. Surgical mask

C. Ski mask

D. Droplet mask 

A. N95


This is the initial step in the nursing process, involving the collection of comprehensive data about the patient.

What is assessment?


The charge nurse observes a new staff nurse who is changing a dressing on a surgical wound. After carefully washing her hands the nurse dons sterile gloves to remove the old dressing. After removing the dirty dressing, the nurse removes the gloves and dons a new pair of sterile gloves in preparation for cleaning and redressing the wound. The most appropriate action for the charge nurse is to:

A. Interrupt the procedure to inform the staff nurse that sterile gloves are not needed to remove the old dressing.

B. Congratulate the nurse on the use of good technique.

C. Discuss dressing change technique with the nurse at a later date.

C. Discuss dressing change technique with the nurse at a later date.


This should be done at least every shift to monitor for signs of infection or complications related to the Foley catheter.

What is assess the catheter and perform catheter/perineal care?


9. A nurse who created a sterile field for a patient is adding a sterile solution to the field. What is an appropriate action when performing this task?

A. Place the bottle cap on the table with the edges down.

B. Hold the bottle inside the edge of the sterile field.

C. Hold the bottle with the label side towards the palm of the hand.

D. Pour the solution by crossing over the sterile field

C. Hold the bottle with the label side towards the palm of the hand.


The nurse caring for patients in a hospital setting institutes CDC standard precaution recommendations for which category of patients?

A. Only patients with diagnosed infections
B. Only patients with visible blood, body fluids, or sweat
C. Only patients with non-intact skin
D. All patients receiving care in hospitals

D. All patients receiving care in hospitals


This type of communication involves actively listening and providing feedback to ensure understanding.

What is therapeutic communication?


This is the minimum amount of time recommended for effective handwashing with soap and water?

What is 20 seconds


This is the first step to take when preparing to insert a Foley catheter to ensure the environment is free from pathogens.

What is hand hygiene?


A nurse is preparing a sterile field using a packaged sterile drape for a confused patient who is scheduled for a surgical procedure. When setting up the field, the patient accidentally touches an instrument in the sterile field. What is the appropriate nursing action in this situation?

A. Ask another nurse to hold the hand of the patient and continue setting up the field.
B. Remove the instrument that was touched by the patient and continue setting up the sterile field.
C. Discard the supplies and prepare a new sterile field with another person holding the patient's hand.
D. No action is necessary since the patient has touched his or her own sterile field.

C. Discard the supplies and prepare a new sterile field with another person holding the patient's hand.


What is the correct order to don PPE?

A. gloves, gown, mask, eye protection

B. shoe covers, gloves, gown, eye protection, mask

C. gown, mask, eye protection, gloves

D. eye protection, mask, gown, gloves

C. gown, mask, goggles, gloves


A nurse is caring for an obese 62-year-old patient with arthritis who has developed an open reddened area over his sacrum. What is a priority nursing diagnosis for this patient?

A. Imbalanced Nutrition: More Than Body Requirements related to immobility
B. Impaired Physical Mobility related to pain and discomfort
C. Chronic Pain related to immobility
D. Risk for Infection related to altered skin integrity

D. Risk for Infection related to altered skin integrity


The nurse assesses patients to determine their risk for health care-associated infections. Which hospitalized patient is most at risk for developing this type of infection?

A. A 60-year-old patient who smokes two packs of cigarettes daily
B. A 40-year-old patient who has a white blood cell count of 6,000/mm3
C. A 65-year-old patient who has an indwelling urinary catheter in place
D. A 60-year-old patient who is a vegetarian and slightly underweight

C. A 65-year-old patient who has an indwelling urinary catheter in place


This is the first step that must be done before removing a Foley catheter to ensure patient comfort. 

A. Pull the catheter to make sure it is still in place

B. Deflate the balloon

C. Have the patient remove the catheter

D. Rip off the catheter secure device

B. Deflate the balloon 


The nurse has opened the sterile supplies and put on two sterile gloves to complete a sterile dressing change, a procedure that requires surgical asepsis. The nurse must:

A. Keep splashes on the sterile field to a minimum.
B. Cover the nose and mouth with gloved hands if a sneeze is imminent.
C. Use forceps soaked in a disinfectant.
D. Consider the outer 1 inch of the sterile field as contaminated

D. Consider the outer 1 inch of the sterile field as contaminated


Which of the following diseases is not paired correctly with its level of precautions?

A. Droplet: Meningitis

B. Contact: RSV

C. Airborne: Tuberculosis

D. Airborne: Pneumonia

D. Airborne: Pneumonia


Mrs. Jones will have to change the dressing on her injured right leg twice a day. The dressing will be a sterile dressing, using 4 X 4s, normal saline irrigant, and abdominal pads. Which statement best indicates that Mrs. Jones understands the importance of maintaining asepsis?

A. “If I drop the 4 X 4s on the floor, I can use them as long as they are not soiled.”

B. “If I drop the 4 X 4s on the floor, I can use them if I rinse them with sterile normal saline.”

C. “If I question the sterility of any dressing material, I should not use it.”

D. “I should put on my sterile gloves, then open the bottle of saline to soak the 4 X 4s.”

C. “If I question the sterility of any dressing material, I should not use it.”


This term describes an infection acquired in a healthcare setting that was not present during the time of admission.

What is a healthcare-associated infection (HAI)? 


This practice is essential to prevent kinking and ensure proper drainage of a Foley catheter.

What is securing the catheter to the patient's thigh?


When working with a sterile field, you should (select all that apply)
1. Always face the sterile field
2. Keep the hands above the waist
3. Use only one hand within the field
4. Open sterile packages away from your body

1, 2, 4


Which of the following patients should be on airborne precautions? (select all that apply)

A. Tuberculosis

B. Measles

C. Pneumonia

D. Varicella 

A. B. D.


A licensed practical nurse is planning the client assignments for the day. Which of the following is the most appropriate assignment for the nursing assistant? Select all that apply. 

A. A client who requires wound irrigation

B. A client who requires frequent ambulation

C. A client who is receiving continuous tube feedings

D. A client who requires frequent vital signs after a cardiac catheterization

E. A client who needs to be turned or repositioned in bed

B & E
