Pioneers of Nursing
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Client Care
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Who decreased mortality by improving sanitation in the battlefields, resulting in a decrease in illness and infection? A. Florence Nightingale B. Clara Barton C. Dorthea Dix D. Lillian Wald
A. Florence Nightingale
The wall unit is not functioning; You then try to use the portable suction equipment available. How much pressure of suction equipment is needed to prevent trauma to mucus membrane and air ways in case of portable suction units? a. 2-5 mmHg b. 5-10 mmHg c. 10-15 mmHg d. 15-25 mmHg
C. 10-15 mmHg
Ernest Arnold Hamilton, a 60 year old American client was mobbed by teen gangsters near New york, Cubao. He was rushed to John John Hopio Medical Center and was Unconscious. You are his nurse and you are to suction his secretions. In which position should you place Mr. Hamilton? a. High fowlers b. Semi fowlers c. Prone d. Side lying
D. Side Lying
Which is not an adverse effect of furosemide? a. Fluid and electrolyte imbalance. b. Nausea, dizziness, headache c. Bone Marrow Depression d. All are adverse effects
D. All are adverse effects
The nurse is monitoring the patient who is 24 hours post-opt from surgery. Which finding requires intervention? a. 24 hour urine output of 300 ml b. BP 100/80 c. Pain rating of 4 on 1-10 scale d. Temperature of 99.3' F
A. 24 hour urine output of 300 ml
The professional nurse responsible for increasing the respect for the individual and awareness of cultural diversity was: A. Harriet Tubman B. Mary Mahoney C. Isabel Hampton D. Mary Adelaide Nutting
B. Mary Mahoney
A client is scheduled for NGT Feeding. Checking the residual volume, you determined that he has 40 cc residual from the last feeding. You reinstill the 40 cc of residual volume and added the 250 cc of feeding ordered by the doctor. You then instill 60 cc of water to clear the lumen and the tube. How much will you put in the client’s chart as input? a. 250 cc b. 290 cc c. 350 cc d. 310 cc
D. 310 cc
A client with TPN suddenly develops tremors, dizziness, weakness and diaphoresis. The client said “I feel weak” You saw that his TPN is already empty and another TPN is scheduled to replace the previous one but its provision is already 3 hours late. Which of the following is the probable complication being experienced by the client? a. Hyperglycemia b. Hypoglycemia c. Infection d. Fluid overload
B. Hypoglycemia
What is a potential postoperative concern regarding a patient who has already resumed a solid diet? a. Failure to pass stool within 12 hours of eating solid foods b. Failure to pass stool within 48 hours of eating solid foods c. Passage of excessive flatus d. Patient reports a decreased appetite
B. Failure to pass stool within 48 hours of eating solid foods
Which of the following if done by a nurse indicates deviation from the standards of NGT feeding? a. Do not give the feeding and notify the doctor of residual of the last feeding is greater than or equal to 50 ml b. Height of the feeding should be 12 inches about the tube point of insertion to allow slow introduction of feeding c. Ask the client to position in supine position immediately after feeding to prevent dumping syndrome d. Clamp the NGT before all of the water is instilled to prevent air entry in the stomach
C. Ask the client to position in supine position immediately after feeding to prevent dumping syndrome
A patient is recovering from surgery. The patient is very restless, heart rate is 120 bpm and blood pressure is 70/53, skin is cool/clammy. As the nurse you would? a. Continue to monitor the patient b. Obtain an EKG c. Check the patient's blood glucose d. Notify the MD
D. Notify the MD
After surgery your patient starts to shiver uncontrollably. What nursing intervention would you do FIRST? a. Apply warm blankets & continue oxygen as prescribed b. Take the patient's rectal temperature c. Page the doctor for further orders d. Adjust the thermostat in the room
A. Apply warm blankets & continue oxygen as prescribed
As the nurse you are getting the patient ready for surgery. You are completing the preoperative checklist. Which of the following is not part of the preoperative checklist? a. Assess for allergies b. Informed consent is signed c. Conducting the Time Out d. Ensuring that the history and physical examination has been completed
C. Conducting the Time Out