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The process where the diaphragm contracts in response to stimulus from the phrenic nerves, it moves downward, which increases the size of the chest cavity, results in....
This type of sputum...... is indicative of a life-threatening condition known as.....
What is Frothy and Pink-tinged....and is indicative of PULMONARY EDEMA
This laboratory test would be ordered to detect a Streptococcus infection in the throat...
What is a throat culture
The alveoli are air sacs encircled by tiny capillaries and the process where oxygen is moved via diffusion from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration is known as.....
What is External Respiration
A patient who has had an endotracheal tube for 7-10 days and will require longer-term ventilator support will usually have this performed....
What is a Tracheostomy
For a pt with COPD who has full mobility the nurse would recommend this source of oxygen
What is a Liquid Oxygen System...a larger, barrel-shaped tank contains the oxygen supply. A smaller stroller, lightweight, and easy to carry with a shoulder strap, is filled from the larger tank
When oxygen concentration is higher in the lung than it is in the blood this process is an example of
What is diffusion
For a pt placed on a diuretic you would monitor for a depletion in this electrolyte.... these signs and symptoms would alert you to a deficiency....and you would educate the pt to take these interventions
What is a depletion of potassium muscle spasms and cramps increase dietary potassium by consuming bananas, potatoes, spinach, and oranges
The nurse notices a new order for Sodium Polystyrene (Kayexalate) the nurse suspects the pt has this electrolyte imbalance..... the nurse can anticipate this this ..... as an expected assessment finding if the pt is placed on Kayexalate.....the nurse would also expect this pt to have ...... ordered to monitor for complications
What is hyperkalemia additional stools telemetry would be ordered
This is an expected assessment finding with a pt with alkalosis....
What is to retain CO2, the lungs slow the rate of respiration, allowing more CO2 to remain in the blood where it can work to increase acidity. When the kidneys sense the blood is too alkaline, they will retain Hydrogen in the blood to increase the acidity and excrete more HCO3 into the urine.
Your receive the following lab report on your pts morning labs PH 7.55; CO2 44; HCO3 30 The nurse notes these results indicate which condition
A pt is experiencing ETOH withdraw and IV glucose has been ordered....the nurse would anticipate a decline in which electrolyte
What is Magnesium....pts with ETOH withdraw frequently develop hypmagnesemia along with other nutritional deficiencies. When an individual with alcoholism experiences ETOH withdrawal, tx commonly requires IV glucose and other lacking nutrients. Administration of the glucose will cause magnesium to shift back into the cells, further decreasing the already low magnesium blood level
The role of the respiratory system in maintaining proper acid-base balance in the blood is
What is to remove excessive CO2 to decrease the acidity of the blood
During a pt assessment the patient states that "sometimes my bowel movements are greenish black" the nurses appropriate response would be....
What is "eating dark green vegetables can cause greenish black streaks in the stool"
Diarrhea can rapidly progress to a life-threatening emergency with the elderly because....
What is their thirst is diminished and the percentage of body water decreases as they age making them already at increased risk of dehydration which can lead to life-threatening complications very quickly
A pt admitted with Diverticulitis has severe abdominal pain, and their abdomen is distended and hard. The nurse would notify the physician of they symptoms because they are signs and symptoms of this life-threatening condition....
What is Peritonitis
A pt comes into the ER presenting with urinary frequency, urgency, and burning...the nurse would be interested in which following laboratory values
What is the urines pH, with UTIs the urine tends to be more alkaline
While caring for a pt with a kidney infection, you tallie the pts output at the end of your shift the nurse notes the pt has voided 360 ml in the last 12 hours. The nurse would document ....
What is the output as normal. Normal output is 30ml/hr
You are caring for an elderly female pt with an order for an indwelling catheter, you are unable to separate the pts legs due to the contractures....which nursing intervention would be appropriate
What is try inserting the catheter in the lateral position to see if this an appropriate alternative
You are caring for a pt who has a temporary decrease in blood supply to the brain that causes dizziness, blurred vision, weakness, and numbness of the left arm and difficulty swallowing that last for about 10 mins....the nurse would identify this as signs and symptoms the pt has suffered from a ....
What is Transient Ischemic Attack
You have an order for antiembolism hose for your pt, the nurse knows to obtain which of the following measurements
What is to measure the length of the leg from the gluteal fold to the bottom of the heal, then measure the circumference of the calf and thigh at their largest diameters to cross-reference on the TED hose charts.
You have a pt who has recently had a tracheostomy placed and was placed on Scopolamine preoperatively the nurse knows the pt was placed on this medication because its action is to....
What is as a ANTICHOLINERGIC it was given preoperatively to dry secretions in a pt whose surgery will result in stimulation of the oral mucous membranes...such stimulation can result in the increase of salivation tenfold potentially placing the pt at risk for aspiration
A nurse is working in the PACU, a nurses priority when a pt arrives to the unit is...
What is maintain a patent airway and verify respiratory and cardiac function. This requires immediate application and observation of a pulse oximeter, BP, supplemental O2, as well as a assessment of respiratory rate, depth, and characteristics.
When attempting a venipuncture you notice the pts vein starts to roll. To stabilize the vein, the nurse will...
What is use the index finger and thumb of the nondominant hand to anchor the vein above and below the venipuncture site.
The nurse is helping a newly hired graduate obtain a venipuncture specimen and explains to the new grad that tourniquets should not be left on for more than 1 minute because.....
What is it can result in hemoconcentration of the blood sample and alter the results.