Donkey Kong
Flappy bird
straight A's

Which sensation (that we went over in class) has both Spinothalmic and posterior column (PCML) tracts?

Protective sensation (def= minimum force you can take before you feel the light touch) 


Name the primary nerve roots of biceps brachii ?

C6 (main) and C5


What is the difference between:

Edema vs Effusion 

Edema: Observable swelling from fluid accumulation, outside of joint capsules. Accumulates in interstitial spaces. 

Effusion: Fluid accumulation within a joint capsule. Injury or inflammation. 


Localized areas of soft tissue necrosis from prolonged pressure over bone is known as.....

Pressure ulcers


True or False: Measurement of the length of a one-joint muscle is similar to the measurement of passive joint ROM in the direction opposite to the muscle’s active motion 



What are the 4 contents of an interview?

1. Relevant Info (pt current condition, pt history, life and living environment)

2. Review of systems 

3. Establish Patient goals 

4. Interview summary


the modified wagner scale is used for which ulcer classification AND it is used to classify the ___ and ___ of the ulcer. 

Neuropathic ulcer Classification 

Depth and Ischemic extent 


name the 5 most common locations of a pressure ulcer:

  • Sacrum/coccyx

  • Greater trochanter

  • Ischial tuberosity

  • Posterior calcaneus

  • Lateral malleolus 


What is the order of the Episode of Care?

Examination, Evaluation, Intervention, Outcomes


For both the patient and the PT, what is the purpose of an "Interview summary"?

- Allow pt an opportunity to correct info

- Force PT to mentally organize thoughts in logical manner

-Should not be more than 4-5 sentences 


What are the common causes of cranial nerve dysfunction? (4)

Trauma, tumor, ischemic/vascular lesions, diseases that affect peripheral nerve 


Name the A-B-C-D-E method for the 'Malignancy Screening of the Skin" assessment: 

A- Asymmetry

B- Borders

C- color

D- Diameter

E- Evolving


What is the difference between review of systems and systems review?

Review of Systems= review of past and present medical conditions of the patient (aka TALKING)

Systems Review= limited set of hands on test and measures performed to determine the future direction of the examination (ex: vital signs) 


The RPE scale (rate of perceived exertion, measures pt endurance) is 6-20 points. As clinicians, we want to train patient between ____ points OR _____ % of max HR?

11-15 points OR 60-80% 


Name the 5 main funcitons of the cerebellum:

1. Coordination

2. Movement Synergies

3. Maintenance of upright posture

4. maintenance of muscle tone

5. Receives sensory input from SC & brain


"Examines amount of motion, tissue resistance t the end of the motion and effect on symptoms" is also known as....



What is the function/purpose of the ABI and what can a reduced blood flow cause?

Identify the presence or severity of impaired arterial blood flow (ischemia) to extremities.

Reduced blood flow can lead to peripheral arterial disease (PAD), risk factor for MI or stroke. 


What is the order in which PT's test each body segment (hint: talked about in the second to last powerpoint, and there is 4)

Palpation, ROM assessment, Muscle length assessment, Muscle strength assessment (slide 16)


According to the slide titled joint end feel, normal movement is limited by these 3 things:

1) Articular surface contact 2)extensibility of ligament, tendons, or muscles, 3)opposition of soft tissue

Joint End Feel: A "Firm" end feel can be described as:

Muscular stretch, capsular stretch, Ligamentous stretch. 


Name the differences between capsular patterns and non-capsular patterns of hypomobility: 

Capsular patterns for restricted motion: particular pattern of restriction involving all or most of the passive motions of the joint

Non Capsular patterns of restricted motion: limitation of passive motion that is non proportioned similarly to a capsular pattern


What are the 5 components (test) that are tested in the Beighton Hypermobility Score (0-9)?

1) Passicely appose thumb to forearm

2) Passively extend 5th MCP joint more than 90 degrees

3)Hyperextend elbow more than 10 degrees

4) Hyperextend knee more than 10 degrees

5)Place palms on floor by flexing trunk w/ knees straight 


Name the GROSS ROM assessment steps: (4)

1) Minimize position changes

2) Test unaffected side first

3)Test AROM, if limited ask pt's opinion on why

4) Test PROM of joints


name the 3 methods of testing muscle strength:

1) individual muscles in isolation

2) Gross assessment of force production in cardinal planes

3)Evaluation of functional activities


What is the difference between "Joint-specific conditions" and "Global body conditions" when it comes to Gross ROM assessment: 

 Joint-specific conditions: Assess ROM of the affected joint, the joints immediately proximal & distal

Global body conditions: May require assessment of multiple joints

- Assess joints required for major functional motions
