How many syllables are in the word: Chain
1 syllable
Divide this word: Cupcake
Hint: This is a compound word
What is a vowel team?
Two vowels that work together to make one sound.
When should we use the ending -ick in a word?
Hint: syllables
If there is only ONE syllable in the word.
Pronounce the trick word: Know
How many syllables are in the word: Sleeping
2 syllables
Divide this word: Basket
Hint: vc/cv rule
Where is ay placed in a word?
Mostly at the end of a word.
When should we use the ending -ic in a word?
Hint: syllables
When there are MORE than one syllable in a word.
Pronounce the trick word: Knew
How many syllables are in the word: pretending
3 syllables
Divide this word: winter
Hint: vc/cv rule
Where is au located in a word?
Hint: Can be more than one answer
In the beginning or middle of words.
Which spelling is correct and how do you know: Slic or slick
Slick because there is only one syllable in the word.
Pronounce the trick word: Every
How many syllables are in the word: imaginary
5 syllables
Divide this word: paper
Hint: v/vc rule
How to pronounce this word and what are the vowel teams? Raincoat
Raincoat- ai and oa vowel teams
Which spelling is correct and how do you know: Magic or magick
Magic because there are two syllables in this word.
Pronounce the trick word: Because
How many syllables are in the word: Unbelievable
5 syllables
Divide this word: vacation
Hint: v/vc rule
Name a word with the vowel team oa
Any answer works.
Write a word with either ending -ic or -ick. Tell us how many syllables are in your word.
Any answer works.
Pronounce the trick word: Through