What is a Digraph?
Two consonants that makes one sound.
Name a word with the glued sound ong.
Any answer works!
What is a vowel team?
Add the suffix s to the word bird. What is your new word?
Pronounce the trick word: I
How do you pronounce this word and how many digraphs are in the word: checks
Checks! Two digraphs ch and ck.
How to pronounce the word: Bolt
How to pronounce this word and what is the vowel team? Chain
Chain. The vowel team ai.
Add the suffix es to the word wash. What is your new word?
Pronounce the trick word: they
What is the digraph in the word: Seashell
How to pronounce this word: Find
How to pronounce this word and what is the vowel team? Pause.
Pause. The vowel team au.
Add the suffix ed to the word clean. What is your new word?
Pronounce the trick word: down
What are the digraphs in the word toothbrush?
Th and sh!
How to pronounce this word: Retold
How to pronounce this word and what is the vowel team? Spray
Spray. The vowel team ay.
Add the suffix est to the word fast. What is your new word?
Pronounce the trick word: where
Name a word that starts with the digraph wh.
Any response with wh counts!
How to pronounce this word: Thinking. How many glued sounds are in this word? What are they?
Two glued sounds ink and ing.
Name a word with any vowel team.
Any answer works.
Add the suffix ing to the word read. What is your new word?
Pronounce the trick word: because