When you're moving too much Miss G says sit...
What is a noun?
A person place or thing
What is a verb?
An action word
This a meal you eat at school
What letters do questions words start with?
This is an underwater creature that is red with claws
Name the noun:
The kids swim.
Name the verb:
The kids swim.
Something long that you can sit on
What kind of punctuation do you use on a question?
A question mark
This means little, it's not big it's
Name the noun:
We ran to the swings.
Name the verb:
We ran to the swings!
When you eat something hard (like a chip) you hear/make a...
What kind of punctuation do you use when you have a lot of emotion?
An exclamation mark
When you pull someone/something along on the ground
Name the nouns:
Rosa Parks sat on the bus.
Rosa Parks bus
Name the verbs:
My dog likes to nap and play.
nap play
This meal is a combination of breakfast and lunch
What kind of punctuation does this sentence need?
Jackie stole my chocolate popsicle
To get the cap off you have to do what to the lid
Name the nouns:
When the sun is out the pigs play in the mud.
sun pigs mud
Name the verbs:
She rides her bike and walks the dog.
rides walks
This is a unit of measurement. You see it on a ruler.
Name 4 question words
who what when where how why which