The nurse is admitting a Patient to the hospital. The Patient states that he is very spiritual person but does not practice any specific religion. The nurse understands that these statements

Are reasonable 


A patient has sleep deprivation. Which statement by the patient will indicate to the nurse that outcomes are being met?

“I feel rested when I wake up”


Hospice care criteria 

Expected to live less than 6 months


An older couple expresses concern because they are easily fatigued during sexual intercourse and cannot reach climax. The nurse knows that older adults may have changes in sexual functioning. What strategies to increase sexual stamina could the nurse offer? (Select all that apply)

•Avoid alcohol and tobacco.                •eat well balanced meals and eliminate excess fats and sugars.                      •Plan sexual activity around a time when the couple feels rested.


Why should patients with type 2 diabetes always wear shoes when ambulating?

Due to possibly injuring the feet and not feeling it.


The nurse adds a nursing diagnosis of ineffective breathing pattern to a patients care plan. Which sleep condition caused the nurse to assign this nursing diagnosis?

Obstructive sleep apnea


A nurse is conducting a sexual assessment. Which question is appropriate for the nurse to ask?

Have you noticed any changes in the way you feel about yourself 


The nurse is caring for a postpartum patient. The patients labor has lasted over 28 hrs within the hospital, the patient has not slept and is disoriented to date and time. Which nursing diagnosis will the nurse document in the patients care plan?

Sleep deprivation


Modifiable risk factors in pain

Anxiety and fear


A nurse is caring for a dying patient. One of the nurses goals is to promote dignity and validation of the dying persons life. Which action will the nurse take to best achieve this goal?

Listen to family stories about the person


The most effective teaching is



A patient who has had several sexual partners in the past month expresses a desire to use a contraceptive. Which contraceptive method should the nurse recommend?



The nurse is caring for a patient who has not been able to sleep well while in the hospital. The nurse recognizes that lack of sleep can manifest in which of the following signs and symptoms? (Select all that apply)

•changes is physiological function such as temperature.                           •decreased appetite and weight loss.      •anxiety irritability and restlessness.        •impaired judgement 


What pain scale should be used for a 4 year old?

Faces pain scale


Self concept vs self esteem

Self concept- How you think about yourself

Self esteem- How you feel about yourself


Trouble talking to patient about MI sexual issues, what do you do? (Select all that apply)

•Ask more experienced nurse to explain to patient and use moment as a learning experience.

•Attend education on how to talk about sexual issues.


A nurse who grimaces when seeing a patients colostomy opening while changing the colostomy bag is most likely to have what effect on the patient?

Promote development of a negative body image


A nurse is caring for a patient who recently had an abdominal hysterectomy and states that she is experiencing severe pain. The patients BP is 110/60 and HR is 60. Additionally the patient does not appear to be in any distress. Which response by the nurse is most therapeutic?

“What would you like to try to alleviate your pain?”


Which patient should be prioritized first?

Patient on morphine in respiratory distress


A nurse is called into the supervisors office regarding deteriorating work performance since the loss of a spouse 2 years ago. The nurse begins sobbing and says “I’m falling apart at home as well.” Which type of grief is the nurse experiencing?

Complicated or prolonged grief


A severely depressed patient cannot state any positive attributes to life. The nurse patiently sits with this patient and assists the patient to identify several activities the patient is actually looking forward to in life. Which spiritual concept is the nurse trying to promote?



A nurse is caring for a patient who expresses a desire to have an elective abortion. The nurses religious and ethical values are strongly opposed. How should the nurse handle the situation?

Refer the patient to a family planning center or health professional 


Side effects of hydrocodone and how to resolve them

slows peristalsis which can cause constipation. Increase fluid and fiber.


Opioid tolerance 

Having to increase the dose because the current dose has little or no effect
