What we always want to place around our patients to prevent falls.
What is a gait belt
Wash your hands with soap and water after coming into contact with this.
What is C-Diff
A temperature less than normal.
What is hypothermia.
Being able to make your own informed decisions.
What is autonomy.
Pressure injury with blanchable areas, skin intact.
What is a stage 1 pressure injury.
Physical therapy activities that help improve joint flexibility and movement.
What are range of motion exercises
Gloves and gowns are worn with this precaution.
What is contact precautions
This pulse is located 5th intercostal space, midclavicular line.
Apical pulse
The education level for a nurse practitioner.
What is MSN or DNP
Surgical removal of dead/dying tissue.
What is debridement
A position where a person lies on their back with their face and torso facing up
What is supine
A N-95 is worn for these precautions.
What is airborne
PERRLA meaning.
Pupils equal, round, reactive to light, accommodation.
One of nursing's first theorists.
Who is Florence Nightingale
Pressure injury with full thickness skin loss with destruction, necrosis, damage to muscles, bones, etc.
What is stage 4 pressure injury
A condition that causes a drop in blood pressure when standing up or sitting down.
What is orthostatic hypotension
We must assess all patients for this particular type of allergy.
What is Latex
Breath sound that is common with asthma and can sometimes be heard without a stethoscope.
What is wheezing.
Regulates the scope of practice for the state and keeps nurses safe.
What is The Nurse Practice Act
pressure injury involving an abrasion, blister, or small crater.
What is a Stage 3 Pressure injury
A yellow band, non-skid socks, calling for help to get up, and having belongings within reach.
What are fall prevention interventions
Influenza is this type of precaution.
What is droplet
Order in which we listen to heart sounds.
What is aortic, pulmonic, erbs, tricuspid, mitral
Develops, revises, and maintains the scope of practice for nurse.
Who is the American Nurses Association
Green/yellow drainage from a wound that can indicate infection.
What is purulent drainage