1. Body alignment
2. Joint mobility
3. Balance
4. Coordinated movement
What are the functions of sleep?
Restoration, Memory consolidation, Preparation for the next period of wakefulness, rest/preservation, and often overlooked as a cause of health issues
True or False. Oxygen is not combustible and is okay to be used around fire hazards
False. It is never okay to use fire around oxygen because it is a fire hazard and could combust
What are the types of verbal and nonverbal communication?
Vocabulary, Denotative and connotative meaning, Pacing, Intonation, Clarity and brevity, Timing and relevance
Personal appearance, Posture and gait, Facial expressions, Eye contact, Gestures, Sounds, Personal space
What is Nursing History in the US and Europe
Europe- Crimean War with Florence Nightengale
US- Civil war with clara barton
What do the various gaits look like... Ataxic, Festinating, Spastic, Steppage
Ataxic- unsteady and staggering
Festinating- rapid small steps to keep center of gravity with trunk leaning forward, associated with Parkinson's
Spastic- stiffness and bounce in the legs and a tendency to circumduct and scuff the feet
Steppage- inability to lift the foot while walking due to weakness of muscles that cause dorsiflexion of the ankle joint
What is sleep apnea and how do we treat it?
1.It is when you are unable to breathe and sleep at the same time
2. Lifestyle changes, improved sleep hygiene, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), surgery, and oral repositioning devices for the jaw/tongue
What is the flow/rate of a nasal cannula? How should it be secured?
It is low flow with 1-6L/min and it should be secured behind your ears
What is therapeutic communication and what does it promote?
The therapeutic relationship is client-centered and goal-directed.
Therapeutic communication promotes understanding and helps to establish a
constructive working relationship between the nurse and the client.
What are nursing 21st-century problems?
Aging population, Palliative care and hospice, Bioterrorism, Violence, Opioid epidemic, Emerging infections, Disaster management, Rising healthcare costs, Health insurance, Racism, Issues of equity, Advances in technology and
informatics, High-acuity level of care of hospitalized patients, Early discharge from health care institutions
How do we use safe practices when positioning and helping the patient with mobility?
1. Encourage patient to do as much as possible
2. Move and position safely (protect head, neck joints, lines/tubes)
3. Ask for assistance from other staff
4. Use proper body mechanics when lifting and positioning
5. Protect patient's joints and skin
What is insomnia?
A symptom associated with chronic difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings from sleep, and short nonrestorative sleep
How do we improve lung expansion?
Semi Fowler's or Tripod Positioning, Ambulation, Incentive spirometer, Coughing and Breathing exercises
What are the types of therapeutic communication techniques?
Active Listening, Sharing Humor, Providing Information, Asking Relevant Questions, Providing General Leads, Sharing Observations, Sharing Feelings, Clarifying, Summarizing, Sharing Empathy, Using Touch, Focusing, Self-Disclosure, Sharing Hope, Using Silence, Paraphrasing, Confrontation
What is Virginia Henderson's Theory?
Nurses are concerned with illness and wellness and assist patients in gaining independence by focusing on 14 components of human needs
Virginia Theory- 14 letters
What are anti-emboli/anti-thrombi devices and what are some examples of devices?
1. They prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and subsequent emboli. They also promote venous return to the heart and decrease pooling of blood in lower extremities.
2. Anti-emboli Stockings (Ted hose) and Sequential Compression Devices (SCDs)
What are some good interventions for sleep health?
Finding a calm/relaxing environment, having a temp you sleep best at, if you use ventilation when you sleep, limiting distractions when going to sleep, having a good bedtime routine, not doing exercise right before bed, not drinking caffeine right before bed, having bedtime snacks, etc...
What is postural drainage and what conditions is it contradicted in?
Positioning consolidated portions of the lungs “up” to allow mobilization
of secretions toward the trachea so they are coughed out more easily
It is contradicted in pulmonary hemorrhage and abscess.
What are the types of nontherapeutic techniques?
Asking Personal Questions, Automatic Responses, Asking for Explanations, Defensive Responses, Giving Personal Opinions, False Reassurance, Approval or Disapproval, Passive or Aggressive Responses, Changing the Subject, Sympathy, Rejection or Minimization, Arguing
What is Jean Watson's Theory?
10 carative factors Jean Watson- 10 letters
1. Forming a human-altruistic value system
2. Instilling faith-hope
3. Cultivating a sensitivity to oneself and to others
4. Developing a helping, trusting, human caring
5. Promoting and expressing positive and negative feelings
6. Using creative problem-solving, caring processes
7. Promoting transpersonal teaching-learning
8. Providing a supportive, protective, and/or corrective
mental, physical, societal, and spiritual environment
9. Meeting human needs
10. Allowing for existential-phenomenological-spiritual forces
How does immobility affect the respiratory system?
1. Decreased respiratory movement
2. Pooling of respiratory secretions
3. Atelectasis (collapse of alveoli)
4. Pneumonia
What is narcolepsy and how to we treat it?
1. Dysfunction of the processes that regulate sleep and wake states, Fall asleep uncontrollably, excessive daytime sleepiness, and vivid dreams
2. Stimulant medication, short well timed naps, regular exercise, good sleep habits, avoiding shifts in sleep, diet high in protein, avoiding factors that cause drowsiness
Match Oxygen device with the flow/rate
Simple Face Mask A. Set pressure Instead of Flow
Venturi Mask B. 0-70L/min
High Flow Nasal Cannula C. 1-12L/min
CPAP D. Adjustable 25-60% FIO2
B. High Flow Nasal Cannula
C. Simple Face Mask
D. Venturi Mask
What are the 3 phases in the interview and what is in each phase?
1. Orientation phase
• Building trust, setting agenda, preparing for the working phase
• Acknowledge, Introduce, Duration, Explanation, Thank you (AIDET)
2. Working phase
• Collecting data, using interview techniques to facilitate the agenda
3. Termination phase
• Summarize and check for accuracy, offer time for questions
What is Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
• Ranked human needs on five levels
• Basic needs must be met prior to meeting ascending needs
Physiological Needs, Safety Needs, Love and Belonging, Esteem, Self Actualization