what is the name of the madolche dog
madolche cruffsant
daily double how much attack does madolche cruffsant have if it returned 6 cards to the hand and has madolche lesson once and madolche chateou
1500 plus 1800 is 3300
3300 plus 800 is 4100
4100 plus 500 is 4600
how old is james
10 years old
the fire starters second evolution something answer something
the dog the hammy is from youtube hammy and olivia
a corgi
what are the stats and atribute (don't know whats called) ex pyro
0 atk 2100 def beast normal
who are the charecters in the whinne the pooh song
eeyore kanga roo tigger rabbit piglet owl pooh
who is the grass starter
what is whinne the pooh
a stuffed bear
how much attack does madolche chocoladoo have
a2 b 300 c 2500 d 2400
what is the effect for five or more materials bonus 3000 for each effect you name
you can equip a level 2 beast monster to it noce per turn
it doesn't get destoyed by battle
you don't take battle damage from attacks involving this card
when this card attacks or is attacked you destroy the attacking or being attacked monster and you oppenent takes damage = to that monsters attack
who is the second warmie I got's name
true or false I have caught in shield a shiny
false david TRADED me a rockruff
what ire the animals in btd6 not including buyable pets
(3 because map editor)
polar bear penguin and maonkeys
what are the 2 madolche cards not in my real madolche deck
madolche salon and madolche chocoladoo
what melffy monster summons 2 melffys
melffy wally
what does idk mean
I don't know
what is my favorite galarian pokemon's shiny color mainly double if you say what pokemon
pink yamper
what is my stuffed animal cristopher
a reindeer
what are the madolches pictures all on top of
a puzzle piece
how is this category spelled hint category
ho many amigos do I have
what in the differance between regular and galarian zigzagoon
the stripes in the regular one's in brown but galarian is black
what animal is aurthor the stuffed animal
a sloth