
How did the fur trade begin?

The fur trade begin because the European fishermen caught lots of cod, and since they needed more meats, they traded with the First Nations for other tools, beaver pelts, meat, etc. 


Why was the fur trade important to the First Nations?

The fur trade was important to the First Nations because they got more food to survive and they were able to stay warm through the pelts they got from trading.


What items did the Europeans trade with the First Nations in exchange for fur pelts?

Some things they traded for were tools, steel axes, cod, needles, copper and more.


Who is a missionary?

A missionary is someone who goes to another country to help people and share their religion. 


What is a colony?

A colony is a settlement established in the new country by people from a different country.


How did the fur trade impact the lifestyle of the First Nations people?

Their lifestyle changed because they depened on each others for food, some of the women married the Coureurs De Bois.


Why were beaver pelts so popular?

Many people wanted the beaver pelts to stay warm, as well as having beaver pelts for fashion.


What types of pelts did they trade and what were they used for?

Some pelts traded were mink, marten, otter and fox, they were used to make clothing, and some were used to decorate coats, they would make and decorate hats with pelts. 


Who is a seigneur?

A seigneur is the owner of land plots in New France, that are often wealthy men of noblitiy back in France. 


What is pelt? 

Pelt is fur and skin of an animal used to make household items and clothing. 


How did the culture of the First Nations people get impacted because of the fur trade?

The French people tried to convince the First Nations to learn their language, and to change their religious.


Why do you think the Europeans needed the First Nations to trade with?

The Europeans needed to trade with the First Nations people to survive. If they didn't trade, the Europeans wouldn't of had to materials to stay warm, wouldn't have enough food, etc. The First Nations also needed to trade with the Europeans to survive. 


What role did the Coureurs Des Bois have in fur trade? Who are the Coureurs De Bois people?

They had a role in the development of the fur trade, they helped the French with trading and they traveled around a lot. The Coureur De Bois were men that were known as "Runners of the woods" that made theirs careers as fur traders in the forests of New France.


Who are the Filles Du Rois? 

Filles Du Rois are women that are known as "Daughters of the woods" that are single and/or orphaned in France that were sent to New France to marry and start famillies to help populate the new colony. 


What is a habitant and convert?

A habitant is the poor farmers that rented the farm land from the seigneurs and to convert means to change religions. The clergy tried to get the First Nations people to change theirs religon and convert to Christianity.
