Automation & Jobs
Digital Literacy
New Training Tech

What is automation of work? 

The use of technology used to perform work previously done by employees.


What is digital literacy?

The skills needed to interpret, create and strategically use digital information. 


What is AI?

AI is Artificial Intelligence. It enables humans to perform machine like tasks. 


Name a job at risk of automation

Cashier, accounting, warehousing, factory worker etc. 


Why is digital literacy important? 

Most jobs now require working with digital tools and data


What is an LXP (Learning Experience Platform)?

It is a software that helps employees find training content and learning resources that are personalized to their needs.


How does automation change workforce skills?

Reduction in repetitive tasks, increases demand for digital and technical skills. 


What are two digital literacy skills needed for employability? 

Problem solving using technology, Interaction with computers and mobile devices, Data security and safety, Occupation-specific tools, Analytics and data manipulation  


Examples of wearables in Tech training

smartwatches, smartbands, smart glasses


An example of a company adapting to automation

General Motors


Name one company helping employees improve digital literacy skills 

Stanley Black & Decker - partnered with Cousera

Google, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company 


What is the Tin Can API or Experience API

The Tin Can API or Experience API is an open data specification for connecting experience data with learning tools. It makes it possible to collect data about an employee’s or a team’s online and face-to-face learning experiences


By 2030, what % of jobs could be affected by automation

By 2030, 15 percent of the global workforce representing over 400 million workers could be potentially displaced by the adoption of automation. Three percent (75 million workers) of the workforce will need to change their occupation. 

By 2030, up to one-third of the workforce in the United States and Germany and nearly 50 percent of the workforce in Japan may need to learn new skills and find jobs in new occupations.


How can companies assess employees digital literacy? 

Through skill assessments, digital credentials, online learning platforms


What is (RID) Rapid Instructional Design? 

It is a group of techniques that allow training to be built more quickly. RID modifies the training design model, which consists of needs analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation
