What is the "ellos" form of the verb "Comer"
What is "comerán"
What is the "yo" form of Hacer?
What is haré
What does this sentence say in english
¡Hoy aprenderás mucho!
What is, You will learn a lot today!
Where did Profe grow up?
Where is Nicaragua
What is the "tu" form of the verb "vivir"
What is "vivirás"
How many irregular verbs are there in the future tense
What is ten
What does this sentence say in english
Me casaré en septiembre.
What is, I will get married in September.
Who is Anthony
What is the "yo" form of the verb "hablar"
What is "hablaré"
What is the "nosotros" form of Querer?
What is querremos
What does this sentence say in english
Lloverá mañana.
What is, It will rain tomorrow.
What is Scranton High School
What is the "nosotros" form of the verb "escribir"
What is "escribiremos"
The verb Valer changes to Valdré in the future tense.
What does the verb Valer mean?
What is worth
What does this sentence say in Spanish?
I will live in a big house.
What is, Viviré en una casa grande.
What is Profe's daughter's name?
What is the "el" form of the verb "usar"
What is "usará"
In the present tense, tener changes to Tengo.
What does change to in the present tense
What is Tendré
What does this sentence say in Spanish?
He will be sleeping now.
What is, Estará durmiendo ahora.
Profe has only had 1 wife. However, he's been married multiple times to the same woman.
How many times has he been married?
What is two