Time to arrive to clinicals?
What is arrive at least 15 mins before the scheduled time at your clinical site?
Makes up your final grade
What is subjective and objective grades?
Uniform code for the nursing program at FVI?
LECTURE/LAB: What is gray top & bottom with black or white shoes?
CLINICAL: What is white top & gray bottom with white nonpermeable shoes?
Consequences of suspected cheating during an exam
What is stop the exam, be dismissed, and receive a ZERO?
The way to address members of leadership and your Professors during face-to-face interactions
What is to greet them by their title (Ex: Professor, Doctor, Mr./Ms. etc)?
Recommendations for maintaining your Complio compliance
What is monitoring Complio account and keeping requirements up to date?
Time considered late to didactic, laboratory and/or clinical
What is 15 mins after the scheduled start time?
Makes up the subjective grade
What are assignments and homework?
Apart from uniforms, the student’s responsibilities in maintaining a professional appearance while representing the school
What is covering all visible tattoos, addressing piercings, and appropriate jewelry?
Constitutes plagiarism?
What is copying the work of others?
The process of presenting concerns to leadership
What is use chain of command (Professor, ADON, DON)?
Policy on cellphone and Smart Watch usage during clinicals
What is they are not allowed?
Total combined absences a student is allowed to have
What are 2 absences?
What comprises the objective grade?
What is ALL teacher-made exams + Mastery standardized exams?
Personal hygiene guidelines
What is avoid cologne/perfume/scented lotion? (Use deodorant ONLY)
Considered verbal abuse
What is cursing and/or an exaggerated tone of voice?
Best method of communication
What is document concerns and requests via email (allow 24 business hours for a response)?
Expected from the student during clinicals
What is the ability to perform certain procedures and other clinical course requirements?
Consequence of having more than 2 absences
What is removal from the program?
The passing grade at FVI
What is an Objective grade of 78%?
Policy for hair and nails
What is keep nails short, no acrylics or nail polish; hair should be up and off the nape; facial hair must be trimmed and groomed?
Consider disruption in classroom
What is coming in late or leaving early, having private conversations while Professor is teaching, texting/using social media during class?
Point of contact in the event of an intended absence or tardy
What is call and email your Professor?
Your responsibilities when visiting clinical sites
What is abide by the rules and policies of the clinical site?
Student's responsibility when running late or absent from class/clinical/lab
What is communicate with the Professor 2 hours before scheduled start time by calling and following up with an email?
The result of failing any of the 3 components of Concepts 1
What is failing Concepts 1?
Any 2 other professional appearance/behavior items
What is no smoking and no chewing gum?
Student’s responsibility if they have to leave before the end of class
What is the student should notify the Professor ASAP before or during class before leaving?
Manner to address members of leadership and your Professor via email
What is to start by greeting them by their title (Ex. Professor, Doctor, Mr./Ms. etc) refrain from using “Hey, what's up”?
Requirements for clinicals
What is be in full uniform, bring stethoscope, black ink pen, penlight, small writing pad, required assignment paperwork, and second-hand watch?
Number of late arrivals (Tardy) that equal 1 absence
What are 2 Tardies?
Consequence of submitting a late assignment
What is deduction of 10 points per day up to 5 days (If applicable) and after day 5, a grade ZERO is assigned?
Approved scrub cap color
What is gray?
An example of false information with/without intent
What is gossip - spreading information without verification of the truth?
Location of guidelines for professionalism, student rights, and responsibilities
What is the Student Handbook/School Catalog/Program Policies (Pregnancy Waiver)?
Examples of clinical assignments
What is complete 2 care plans & weekly assignments per syllabus?
Student's responsibility when unable to attend clinical/didactic/lab due to illness.
What is provide valid documentation + complete required assignments as instructed?
Requirement if the student's grade falls below 80%
What is mandatory tutoring and remediation?
Professor's action for uniform non-compliance
What is FIRST = a warning, SECOND infraction = disciplinary actions according to policy?
Examples of professional behavior on & off campus
Vaccinations and testing required by clinical sites
What is Flu vaccine, COVID vaccine, and TB test?