Only these types of relationship codes can close a CD over the phone, what are they?
What is SOL COF and COO
You can request a subproduct code change request per the following relationship codes
What is:
How do we cancel current requests for a subproduct code change?
What is send an email with the new request to CDCO CIS Maintenance.
We cannot open an account over the phone if this shows in Quest.
What is RAS account
True or False: A LTE can renew a CD over the phone with FWT.
What is False.
When do account subproduct code changes take place for PB and PD conversions?
what is first business day of the following month.
You successfully opt a client in N to mail solicitations, what should you state before ending the call?
What is DNS elections for mail, recorded via the Privacy Line(s), are updated online, real-time on Key's DNS database. However, it may take a few days for elections to be removed from Key's ongoing campaigns.
What is Send an email to the FWT leaders. When doing so, include:
Which relationship codes can FWT renegotiate?
What is SOL, COO, ITF, POA or UGMA.
What is a subproduct code change.
We can send these types of AML file types to CDD.
What is Warm file (NCW) or W (warm file)
What is the turnaround time for cancelling a clients online banking enrollment if applicable?
What is within 24 hours.
If a branch teammate calls in with a client that's CD is in maturity but was not opened in that branches state, what should FWT teammates do?
What is renew the CD during maturity for the branch as Key Counselor limits the ability to renew the CD.
if client is changing from an account with a sweep feature ,The sweep account will be closed and the funds from the sweep account will be transferred to the checking account. This transfer into the checking account will have the description
To research why an AML client did not receive their account closure check you need to send an email request to who?
what is RBCDD Questions Feedback emailbox
An out of footprint employee would like to open a deposit account with us. Who can they reach out to?
What is Out of footprint KeyBank employees can reach out to Brent Zechman to open an account.
What CD's do not renew automatically
what is Jumbo CDs (subproduct codes 41, 43, 45, and 46) do not renew automatically.
When a client passes CHEXSYSTEMS, after the subproduct code change from a Hassle- Free account is submitted this occurs.
What is the client's existing debit card will be closed the following business day and a new debit card will be ordered and mailed to the client.
Standard overdraft services are available on all personal checking and savings accounts except for the following accounts:
What is
How long until the client is notified on the status of their credit card application.
What is within 7–10 days, they will receive notification about the application by mail.