General Resources 1
General Resources 2
Academic Resources
Strategies for Academic Success

This department would provide one-on-one advising to ensure that your co-curricular and extra-curricular experiences at UM are showcased on your resume.

What is the Toppel Career Center?


This office provides mentored research experiences to undergraduates in all disciplines.

What is the Office of Undergraduate Research?


This resource provides tutoring to any student enrolled in an undergraduate math course at the University of Miami.

What is the Math Lab at the Learning Commons?


This skill is important to have and improve upon in order to be able to balance your academic, social, and extracurricular activities.

What is time management? 


The website students use to explore more than 300 different clubs and organizations to get involved with on campus

What is Engage?


This department offers monthly Narcan trainings, where attendees can obtain free Narcan.

What is the Sandler Center?


This campus resource was the most commonly visited for your Campus Engagement Projects.

What is the Wellness Center?


This place provides faculty, students, researchers, and staff with the highest quality access to collections, information services, learning support, and digital expertise

 What is the Richter Library?


This type of learner learns by doing hands-on activities.

What is a kinesthetic learner?


This is Dean Perse's degree from UM.

What is a Master of Public Health?


This policy protects you from a disciplinary record if you’ve been drinking underage and seek help.

What is medical amnesty?


This is when UM students can apply to study abroad.

What is after two full academic semesters?


This resource provides students interested in health careers access to advising and mentoring, student career guides, pre-health clubs, and state-of-the-art healthcare technology and resources.

What is the Office of Pre-Health Advising?


This should be short and intense with minimal distractions.

What is a study session?


We had 4 current & former students come talk about their academic journeys. These were their academic concentrations.

What are medicine, public health, & nursing?


This UM department houses Greek Life, the Veterans Resource Center, the Chaplains, and Honor Council.

What is the Dean of Students Office? 


This office helps students identify and resolve any personal, financial, academic, social, or health-related obstacles in the way of finishing their degree.

What is ‘Canes Success Center?  


This center provides support through tutoring, workshops, disability services, learning specialists and faculty, as well as additional services for parents and academic support programs like the Independent Learning Initiative

What is the Camner Center?


This type of learner uses flashcards to learn and rehearse the material.

What is a visual learner?


Examples would be one’s gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, ability etc.

What is social identity?


This group is a collaborative effort within the Division of Student Affairs that supports students' overall well-being. It includes the Sandler Center, Counseling Center, Housing, Student Health, and the Wellness Center.

What is the Healthy ‘Cane Network?


UM Library creates these which point you to materials and resources appropriate for particular disciplines, courses, and special topics.

What are Research Guides?


This department connects students to opportunities and resources that maximize their experience at the University of Miami while emphasizing academic excellence, campus engagement, and professional development.

What is the Office of Academic Enhancement?


This is a course-specific option that you should attend if you are struggling with material and/or an assignment in the class.

What are office hours?


The act of working together on an academic undertaking for which a student is individually responsible.

What is collusion?
