College Terms
College Life...
I need HELP!
Grab Bag

What is an Academic Advisor?

College staff/faculty who assists students (advisees) with course selection, developing an academic plan, providing advice regarding careers and/or graduate school. PLANNING FOR YOU TO BE SUCCESSFUL!


What is a semester?

One half of the school year and the length that most of your classes will last.


What are extra-curricular activities?

I want to participate in a lot of these. These are activities that I do outside of my classes/work life.


What are office hours?

The days and times that college faculty set aside to meet with students enrolled in their classes. Traditionally these take place in the instructor’s office (not in the classroom).


What is a residence hall?

This is a building with sleeping and living space for a large number of students.


What term is used for a first year college student?

A Freshman.


What is your minor?

The subject area of study that you focus the second most number of classes on in college.


What is Fall Fest?

An exciting and huge event that takes place Fall semester with yummy food, activities, llamas and more for FREE!!


What is Housing?

This is the place I can go to get HELP with questions about my dorm or roommate.


The physical area a school is located on, including all of its buildings.

What is a campus?


What is an academic calendar?

Provides key dates and deadlines, by term for the academic year. Including add/drop class deadlines, final withdrawal date, registration dates, midterm, final exam periods, school holidays and more.


What is your major?

The subject area of study you focus the most classes on in college.


What is Pancake Break? 

An event hosted by staff/faculty on the Monday of finals week.


Who is your academic advisor?

Gabby! She is the one I can go to if I need HELP deciding what classes will help me best in my major and after I graduate.


what is a Undecided Student?

A student who enters college with an undeclared major. Undergraduate Student: College student who is pursuing an associates or baccalaureate degree.


What is the Education Learning Center? (ELC) 

Provide instructional services at no-cost to students to assist in achieving better academic success in all academic areas. This includes tutoring and help with writing.


What is an internship?

A program where you gain experience in a job by working there for a short period of time. You often get credits for completing these.


What is Student Activities?

This is the place I can go to get HELP if I want to find something really, really cool that is happening on campus.


What is Tutoring?

An option offered to assist students who need assistance in a particular subject. 


What is Financial Aid?

This is money students use to pay for education. It includes all of the grants, loans, scholarships and work-study.


What is add/drop?

A short time period at the beginning of the semester in which students may add or drop courses from their schedules without them showing up on their transcript.


What is a maintenance request? 

A maintenance request or work order serves as an endorsement for repairing, adjusting, or enhancing an item or system.. 


What is Student Services?

This is the place I can go if I need HELP adding or dropping a class or paying for college.


What is Withdrawal?

Typically refers to the dropping of a course (or all courses) for which a student is registered in a given term. These courses will show up as a “W” (withdraw) on the students transcript.
