This studying technique enhances learning by providing short breaks periodically throughout your study session. With this technique you work for 25 minutes, take a 3-5 minute break, repeat.
The Pomodoro Technique
Please name 3 bits of information that are important to leave out of your resume.
Social Security Number
Age or Birthday
Marital Status
Today’s Date
Full Address
Ethnicity or Religion
This on campus resource provides general medical care, immunizations, pharmacy, sexual health consultations, etc.
The Student Healthcare Center
This rule outlines how much of your income should go to different areas of your life, such as needs, wants, and savings.
50/30/20 Rule
This statue is located in front of Marston and looks like french fires
This study technique is best for visual learners. With this technique you start in the middle with the broadest topic and branch out to be more specific.
Mind Mapping
How many descriptive bullet points should you have for each experience listed in your resume?
This on campus resource provides help with a variety of student related issues regarding notarizations, contract disputes, name changes, etc.
Student Legal Services
This website offers discounts for University students
This center is located in the Reitz Union and is an escape from stress and classes. Hint: a place for DIY
Arts and crafts Center
This resource provides free tutoring to students on campus.
The Broward Teaching Center
This office would be the place to go for someone to review your resume, give interview advice, and even rent business professional attire.
The Career Connection Center
This on campus resource is located on the 4th floor of Peabody hall and offers on going care for a variety on mental health topics including brief consultations, relationship counseling, etc.
Counseling and Wellness Center
This is another office on campus that offers mental health counseling and advice. They also administer the BASICS/CASICS assessments required in this course.
This plaza is located downtown and offers live artists, morning yoga, etc.
Bo Diddley Plaza
This time management tool helps outline in what order you should fall back on plans to still complete your needs.
The Rule of 3.
You should avoid listing these skills on your resume, as they are not very descriptive.
Soft Skills
This on campus resource is located next to the Reitz Union and offers free resources in hopes of decreasing food inequality on campus.
Field and Fork Pantry
This dimension of wellness involves seeking medical attention when needed and taking part in primary care/prevention screenings.
Physical Wellness
This Gainesville restaurant used to be a food truck, but has now expanded to be a brick and mortar.
Based upon research, this is the best time of the day to study. (2 answers)
Studying after exercising/ before bed
This platform allows you to list all of your past experience, as well as make professional connections.
This on campus organization oversees the student body and offers bike repairs, printing labs, Gator Nights, etc.
Student Government
This syndrome is a feeling of doubtfulness in your skills and abilities. Also popular among college students.
Imposter Syndrome
This office is located on the 3rd floor of Peabody Hall and oversees Preview Staffers and Peer Leaders (which you should ALL apply to be)
The Center for New Student and family Programs