Discrimination & Microagressions
Readings & Media


Unearned and often unseen or unrecognized advantages, benefits or rights conferred upon people based on their membership in a dominant group (e.g. white people, heterosexual people, men, able-bodied, etc.) beyond what is commonly experienced by members of the non-dominant group


What does POM stand for?

Privilege, Oppression, Marginalization


What is the difference between Prejudice and Discrimination?

Prejudice is defined as a negative attitude and feeling toward an individual based solely on one’s membership in a particular social group. 

Discrimination is defined as a negative action toward an individual as a result of one’s membership in a particular group or a negative action toward a group.


What is the connection between the terms “food desert” and “food apartheid”?

A food dessert is an area where there is limited access to grocery stores and healthy food, while a food apartheid is the intentional design of granting access to healthy food items for some people and limiting access for other people. Food apartheid implies that marginalization is an intentional system of limiting access to food to people in impoverished areas.


What are the names of the three columns of your Personal Engagement Plan?

Awareness, Knowledge, Skill



Unfair or cruel use of power and authority to control another person or group. Oppression becomes discriminatory when it targets specific groups of people and not all members of society.

Where does privilege come from?

Privilege exists when one group has something of value that is denied to others simply because of the groups they belong to, rather than because of anything they’ve done or failed to do.


What are the three types of Microagressions?

1. Micro-invalidation

2. Micro-insult

3. Micro-assault


What examples of food insecurity, food desserts, and food apartheid are you aware of in Syracuse?

Instructor Discretion


When are you presenting your Personal Engagement Plan?

Wednesday, November 20th during class.



Treatment of a person or group as unimportant, insignificant, or of lower status. This is sometimes referred to as social exclusion.


What is the connection between Intersectionality and POM?

Understanding intersectionality can help one understand that there are multiple layers of privilege, oppression, and/or marginalization. 


What are the differences between Verbal, Behavioral, and Environmental Microagressions?

A Verbal Microagression is a comment or question that is hurtful or stigmatizing to a marginalized group or person. 

A Behavioral Microagression involves behaving in a way that is discriminatory or otherwise hurtful to a marginalized person or group.

An Environmental Microagression is when a subtle discrimination occurs within society, for example, when a college campus only has buildings named after white people.


What is Jen Fitzgerald’s poem, “American Landscape: Inheritance” about?

This poem captures the experience of inheritance, loss, survival, and liberation for many families navigating Housing Insecurity and Discrimination.


When is your Personal Engagement Plan grid due on Blackboard?

Friday, November 15th @ 11:59pm!



A statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as a racial or ethnic minority.


What are the four I's of Opression?

1. Ideological

2. Institutional 

3. Interpersonal

4. Internalized


What has housing discrimination looked like in Syracuse’s history?

Instructor Discretion


What does Chris Rock mean by his joke about Martin Luther King Boulevard?

Chris Rock’s joke references a common redlining practice in which impoverished Black neighborhoods have a main road called Martin Luther King Boulevard.


What did we do for our Week 3 Shared Experience?

We went on a tour of Bird Library.


Food Inequity

Food Inequity is when some communities have access to food, but it's not nutritious or balanced. It can manifest in several ways, including: 

Limited availability: Some areas have fewer grocery stores, making it harder to choose from. 

Reduced accessibility: Problems with transportation, crime, or roads can make it difficult or unsafe to get to grocery stores. 

Expense: Fresh fruits and vegetables can be more expensive than high-calorie foods. 

Poverty: Low wages and discrimination can lead to low-income households spending a large portion of their income on food


What is Societal/Cultural Institutional Oppression?

Social norms, roles, rituals, language, music, art, etc. that reflect and reinforce the belief that one social group is superior to another.


Who is privileged by redlining? Who was oppressed? How was marginalization used during this time?

Individuals with financial wealth are privileged by redlining, while impoverished people are oppressed. Marginalization is used to control where people live and the resources that they have access to.


What is Joshua Merchant’s poem, “Product of his environment” about?

This poem provides a narrative of a young Black boy who faces challenges related to food and access to healthy options. It emphasizes the poor options he has access to and the harm done to his body and overall wellness.


True or False: Next week is the last week of FYS 101


You have your third and final HCE (Home College Experience) the week after Thanksgiving break.
