A Course of Study at a college or University awards you this item.
Student who has completed a bachelor's program and is enrolled in a Masters, Doctoral, or PHD program.
Student who is enrolled in a degree that's within the first level of higher education (Associates or Bachelor Program)
Undergraduate Student
Grade Point Average that is used to base a grade off of how high a student scored on average.
An academic award, or distinction, used to recognize the highest level scholarship demonstrated by students in a college or university. Usually involving recognition from the Dean.
Dean's List
Your main Degree declaration is called?
Money loaned to a student that is intended to be paid back with interest.
Student Loan
Student who has completed a bachelor's program and is enrolled in a Masters, Doctoral, or PHD program.
Graduate Student
Courses that are required by state but often give the student many choices for class options. (Example Science Credit)
Faculty Member that:
Academic Advisor
Academic declaration that is secondary to your major.
Given to students who have a financial-need, with funds coming mostly from federal and state government
A student that attended one University and has transferred to another institution.
Transfer Student
A class that is required to be completed before another class
A counselor that aids in helping a student learn about job search strategies, pursuing a profession, and graduate school opportunities.
Career Advisor
An Area of focus that is not classified as a minor or major would be called?
Free Application for Federal Student Aid Government forum to see if you qualify for government grants or loans.
A student who is enrolled in less than 12 credit hours at an institution. (9 Semester Hours for Graduate Students)
Part-time Student
Classes that are required to be taken together.
corrective measure when a college student's GPA falls below school requirements
Academic Probation
Shorter academic programs normally built in sets of 9 to 30 credit hours, and they tend to be completed within a year or less by full-time students. Typically used for trade programs.
Government program to provide scholarship money to low-income college students. Requires filling out a government form.
Pell Grant
A student that is enrolled in 12 credit hours or more. (9 hours for graduate students)
Full-Time Student
Unit of measurement used to indicate the amount of instructional and learning time required to achieve the student learning outcomes of a credit-bearing course
This law protects the privacy of student education records from kindergarten through graduate school. Helps keep educational records confidential between the school and student.
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)