Who owned Dred Scott
John Emerson
Who was the Republican candidate
Where did Lincoln get his famous line from
The Bible
Was Harper's Ferry succesful
What's the "once free, always free" rule
any person taken to a free territory automatically became free and could not be re-enslaved upon returning to a slave state
In place of the Missouri Compromise what did Douglas instate
popular sovereignty
Did Lincoln think a divided house would cause dissolution
How did John Brown die
He was hanged publicly
Who's Chief Justice
Roger B. Taney
How did Douglas brand Lincoln
a dangerous radical who advocated racial equality and disruption of the Union
What office were Lincoln and Douglass running for during this time
Illinois Senate person
Who was John Brown's lead prosecutor
Andrew Hunter
What did the Dred Scott Decision declared unconstitutional
Missouri Compromise
What impact did the Freeport Doctrine have on the upcoming elections
Lincoln won and Douglas’s stature as a national leader of the Democratic Party was gravely diminished.
How did Douglas and Lincoln see the issue of slavery between the North and South
Douglas sought to find a middle ground but Lincoln believed slavery and ideals of freedom could not coexist
What was the purpose of Harper's Ferry
to establish an independent stronghold of freed slaves in the mountains of Maryland and Virginia
What side of the country rejected the Dred Scott decision
What did the Freeport Doctrine say
It said a territory could prevent slavery by making it difficult for slave owners to re-capture escaped slaves.
"A house divided against ___ cannot stand"
What three things was Brown convicted of
Murder, Treason against Virginia, Inciting to Rebellion