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What does the debate word "advantages" , "analogies", and "animations" mean?
Advantages - Circumstances that provide a person or team with better chance of winning a duel. Analogies - A comparison between two things. Animations - Hand movements, photos, and lively physical things in a speech.
What does "Evidence", "Examples", and "Eye contact" mean?
Evidence - All the proof you have for your position. Examples - A supportive statement. Eye contact - To look at your audience right in the eye.
What does "facial expressions", "gestures", "grammatical correctness" mean?
Facial expressions - A facial expression is one or more motions or positions of the muscles beneath the skin of the face. Gestures - Hand Movements Grammatical correctness - The correct use of words, adjectives, adverbs, and other parts of grammar.
What does "pitch", "preparation time", and "presentation skills" mean?
Pitch - Loudness. Preparation time - Time set apart for teams to look over their notes, prepare speeches, and make rebuttals. Presentation skills - Eye contact, pitch, volume, and other skills needed during a speech
What does "time rules" and "significance" mean?
Time rules - The amount of time a speaker has left, how the judge tells the speaker about it, and penalties. Significance - Importance
What is the "Affirmative (team)", "comparison", and "debate"?
Affirmative - The team who is fight for the given statement in a debate. Comparison - To show the likenesses of something. Debate - A formal discussion in which two teams are fighting for and against a certain topic.
What does "case", "clash", and "delivery" mean?
Case- The process that you use to prove your point. Clash- Conflicting evidence. Delivery - The public speaking parts of a speech - Delivery would include eye contact, emotions, etc.
What does "exact language", "false cause", and "issue" mean?
Exact language - To specify exact details False cause - Something depicted as a cause, but is actually not. Issue- A matter of fact or opinion.
What does "proof", "proposition", and "reasoning" mean?
Proof- A documented fact or opinion. Proposition- A plan. Reasoning - To figure something logically.
What does "statistics" mean?
Statistics - The practice or science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large quantities.
What is "attacking the speaker", "Appropriate language", and "constructive speeches".
Attacking the speaker - To "attack" the speaker using information that can put the speaker's speech in danger. Appropriate Language - To use words that don't insult the other team, but carry out the point. Constructive Speeches - A speech in which your team first carries out your points and doesn't worry about what the other team is saying.
What does "argument", "assertion", and "bibliography".
Argument- Oral disagreement. Assertion- A statement of opinion based on evidence. Bibliography- A compilation or list of sources.
What does "generalizations", "improper inferences", and "omissions" mean?
Generalizations - A general statement or concept obtained by inference from specific cases. Improper inferences - To use clues wrongly to guess something incorrectly Omissions - Someone or something that has been left out or excluded.
What does "rate", "rebuttal", and "rebuttal speeches" mean?
Rate - Speed Rebuttal – Overcoming arguments by your opponents and re-explaining or rebuilding your own arguments Rebuttal speeches – Speeches given in the latter portion of the debate. Debaters explain again their previous arguments, respond to the opponents' arguments, continue to defend their positions, and show their team has won the debate
What does "status quo" mean?
Status quo- Present situation.
What does "articulation", "burden of rebuttal", and "Burden of proof" mean?
Articulation - The action of putting into words an idea or feeling Burden of Rebuttal - To prove that the affirmative's plan and idea is not necessary and is wrong. Burden of Proof - To prove there is a need of change on the affirmative's side.
What does "brief", "counter plan", and "correlation" mean?
Brief- An outline of your case (affirmative), or an outline of your position (negative). Counter plan- The negative proposes a plan which they say is better than the affirmative plan. Correlation - A mutual relationship or connection between two or more things.
What does "justification", "language", and "inconsistencies" mean?
Justifications - The action of showing something to be right or reasonable. Language - A series of sounds made from the mouth and symbols used to communicate. Inconsistencies - Lacking Agreement
What do "proposition of fact", "proposition of policy", and "proposition of value" mean?
Proposition of Fact - To put forward if something is true or false. Proposition of policy - To put forward if you should or should not. Proposition of value - To put forward if something is good or bad, right or wrong, just or unjust, and many more.
What does "testimony" mean?
Testimony - A formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law.
What does "Analogical reasoning", "Appeal to Ignorance", and "Deductive reasoning" mean?
Analogical Reasoning - The type of thinking that depends upon analogies. Appeal to Ignorance - This proves that because a statement was not proven false, it is still true. Deductive Reasoning - This is reasoning that is based upon common knowledge.
What does "circular reasoning", "diverting the issue", and "fallacy" mean?
Circular reasoning - The author begins with their ending. Diverting the issue - To distract the audience from the Fallacy- Fault, wrong; A defect in reasoning.
What does "needs issue", "negative side", and "Prima Facie Case" mean?
Needs Issue- The issue in the first affirmative speech that says there is a defect in the other team's proposal. Negative side- A team that attempts to secure the rejection of a proposition. Inherency - A barrier that keeps harm from reaching the status quo.
What does "refutation", "resolution", and "standard debate format".
Refutation – Challenging your opponents' points by showing flaws or weaknesses in their arguments. Resolution - The act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict or problem. Standard Debate Format - The widely recognized debate format which is used around the world.
What does "stock issues" mean?
Stock issues- The standard issues that occur in most every debate.