Gabby's nickname growing up
What is Geiger?
Gabby's favorite color to wear
What is Green?
The other sorority house Gabby pref-ed (the runner up)
What is AXO?
Gabby's church home is currently Harvest. What church did she go to before?
What is Trader's Point Christian Church?
Gsbby's ethnicity is half caucasian and half _____
What is Brazilian?
Many think Gabby is an only child, however she does have a brother named this
Who is Josh?
What Gabby keeps cleaner than anything else
What is her car?
The person Bethany tricked Gabby into thinking that Maggie McAndrews kissed
Who is Curtis Martin?
What age group (school grade) does Gabby currently mentor for through the church?
7th grade (12-13)
This is the one word that she says 24/7 about everyone and everything. She adopted the word from her roommate Maggie McAndrews.
What is Legend?
The house Gabby basically lived at during high school
What is Lauren's?
Gabby made the switch from Starbucks to this coffee place and is now a regular
What is Dunkin Donuts?
These two positions Gabby held in Theta; one she took over and one she was elected for
must name both
What is Social Media Director and VP of Panhellenic?
The person who introduced Gabby to Harvest Church
Who is Hannah Strickler?
Gabby was born in this this state and this explains her non-317 area code
What is Florida?
What is swimming?
Gabby's favorite TV show of all time
What is New Girl?
The item that Hazel, the house maid, took and hid from Gabby one morning at Theta
What is her backpack?
According to Gabby's prayer board and instagram story, this is her WORD OF THE YEAR
This person has the most 1 on 1 features with Gabby on her instagram
Who is Bethany?
This movie, available on Netflix, Gabby watched everyday after school in 6th grade?
What is White Chicks?
The perfume Gabby wears most
Ambre or Glossier
+100 if you answer with the name of the fellow theta
What is putting a cigarette down the fountain drain?
Double points for the specific chapter and verses
Philippians 4:6-9
Gabby has two highlights on her instsram page. Name one.
What is Jesus?
What is Bits of Life?