This CM Tool comprehensively links requirements with collection assets and other key information. -ATP 2-01 CM
What is the Information Collection Matrix
This acronym is PMFWS, it stands for?
Portable Multi-functional Workstation
The tactical ground station is commonly referred as this in the intelligence war fighting function
What is the TGS
The meaning of the acronym TARP
What is Threat Awareness Reporting Program
The 328th MICO originates from this unit
What is the 103rd IEW BN from the 525 E-MIB?
Under the guidance of the NSC, oversees and manages the information security program
What is the Information Security Oversight Office (ISSO)?
This is used to carry classified documents within the 250 mile radius
What is courier card
The primary mission of G2 Ops
What is coordination and synchronization
The 3rd Step of IPOE
What is Evalute the threat
The range of UHF (Ultra High Frequency)
Hint: in MHz or GHz
What is 300–3,000 MHz or 300MHz-3 GHz
The geospatial area or systems node or link against which information that will satisfy a specific information requirement can be collected, usually to capture indications of enemy and adversary courses of action
What is a NAI?
The only system by MTOE that the IEW section is signed for
What is the Trojan
The center point of this spatial data type’s gridded form is a common representation of relief around the world
What is Raster
Illegally obtaining and transmitting classified information to an unauthorized source is known as
What is Espionage
The 328th MICO has this as it’s unit mascot
What is the Dire Wolf
Three levels of classification are designated by what Executive Order
What is Executive Order 13526
This person in 3 ID G2 is authorized to grant NATO (S)
Who is Ms. Judy Hobson
The number of vehicles that the G2 owns
What is 19
This daily report summarizes significant intelligence activities and events within the area of operations.
What is an Intelligence Summary (INTSUM)
The location of NSA Headquarters
What is Fort Meade, Maryland
The following steps are a part of what process:
1) Develop requirements. 2) Develop the collection management plan. 3) Support tasking and directing. 4) Assess collection. 5) Update the collection management plan.
What are the five steps of the collection management process
The satellite that the trojan connects too
What is the SES1
This satellite imagery, often used in geospatial analysis, captures the Earth's surface in real-time and is essential for monitoring changes over time, particularly in military and disaster response applications
What is Hi Resolution
Espionage, sabotage, sedition, subversion, and terrorism are examples of this type of crime
What are National Security Crimes
This MOS did not make it to the 328th MICO when it activated
What are 35F/all source analysts
Information no longer requires protection in the interest of National Security.
What is declassification
This funding source can be used for Intel TRNG & readiness TDY’s ISO MITS certs, CTC, WFX, deployment, or operational mission
What is Foundry
The meaning of the acronym SAR
What is Synthetic Aperture Radar
These are assets or locations critical to an enemy's mission success that are identified during targeting analysis.
What are High-value targets (HVTs)
The current appointed DIRNSA
Who is Gen Timothy D. Haugh, USAF
Collection assets consisting of “those units and systems tasked to perform information collection while also performing another mission during the operation (Example: Logistics Convoys).”
What is an Ancillary (AKA Non-Traditional) Collection Asset
The color order for Cat5
What is White/Orange, Orange, White/Green, Blue, White/Blue, Green, White/Brown, Brown
This military sensor is capable of producing 3D models of the real world and land elevations. It is similar to General Robotic’s, 'SPOT', capable of measuring reflectivity from objects using laser pulses
What is LiDAR
A CI Agent must present these prior to conducting any investigative function
What are a Badge and Credentials
This platoon makes the 328th MICO unique from other MICOs in the Army
What is the Field Maintenance Platoon
This checklist is used to ensure no classified materials are left unsecured at the end of the day
What is an SF 701 Activity Security Checklist
USA, Great Britan, New Zealand, Canada, Australia
What is FVEY (five eye)
The type of intelligence that all source supports
What is Counterintelligence
This system is the primary tool used by Army intelligence analysts for processing and disseminating intelligence information.
What is the Distributed Common Ground System - Army (DCGS-A)?
The organization that is the highest echelon in the ARMY and serves as the single POC at NSA for Army Theater and tactical forces
What is the Army TCAE
A control measure that establishes areas where each echelon is responsible for collecting information, deconflicting collection efforts between echelons, and reducing the likelihood of duplication
What is an Intelligence Handover Line
The MCN-AE uses this process to provide JWICS and NSANET
What is an encrypted line from the G6 which is unencrypted by Taclanes for each network
This landform is most commonly present when calculating the substrata on a brackish inlet in the Atlantic Ocean (3 answers)
What are Sound, Cove, channel
The primary method of intelligence collection for HUMINT during LSCO
What is interrogation
This impressive number of warrant officers makes the 328th MICO the smartest Company in all of Division
What are 5 x SIGINT Techs, 2 x IEW Techs, 1 x HUMINT Tech and 1 x GEOINT Tech – totaling 9 warrant officers
Occurs when any knowing, willful, and negligent actions could reasonably be expected to result in an unauthorized disclosure or classified information.
What is a security violation
This investigation gives you a Top Secret clearance
What is a Tier 5 or SSBI
The two main roles of the G2 in the Division
What are intel sharing and understanding and Physical and Personnel Security
METT-TC is an acronym used in mission analysis. METT-TC stands for
What is Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops, Time, Civilian Considerations
The United States' first peacetime cryptanalytic organization
What is Black Chamber