A) She was angry and sent Nick to his room.
B) She was embarrassed that the principal had come to her house to talk.
C) She thought the whole thing was just a silly overreaction.
D) Both A and C
We were careful when we tried to open the a_____t treasure chest that we discovered.
What did Mrs. Granger do with the envelope that she had Nick sign?
A) She said that she would send it out after everything was over.
B) She handed it to him and told him read it when he gave up.
C) She told him to read it when he got home.
D) None of the above.
Find the synonym
The car crash left Kayla with permanent brain damage.
A) lifelong
B) temporary
C) lasting
Who did Judy Morgan talk to when writing her report?
Mrs. Chatham, Mrs. Freed, Mrs. Granger, and Nick
The prisoner refused to c______s to his crimes.
Describe a prank Nick pulled before fifth grade.
In America, you can drive alone l______y at the age of sixteen.
What was Mrs. Granger's punishment for a student who used the word "frindle"? How did this punishment evolve for students over time?
It was impossible to i_______y the thief since he was wearing a mask.