1) This rocket relies on immense ___________ to reach the upper layers of the atmosphere.
6) How many ________ would be needed to make a perfect airplane? Think about how many folds in the paper you might need.
11) The 2014 FIFA World Cup _______ was an armadillo named Fuleco. The very first ________ made an appearance in the 1966 World Cup.
16) The classroom monitors have an _________ on their shoulder which helps teachers identify them.
21) The most amazing example of ____________ in your life is having such a nice group of English and Chinese teachers for your last year of primary school.
2) Studies show that homework has a positive _________ on study habits, organization, critical thinking, and general life skills.
7) Mr. Gus loves to _________ around with music software. He works tirelessly to create the perfect sound for his fans.
12) All of the G5 teachers feel _________ to Ms. You because of her incredible work ethic and organization skills.
17) The G5 teachers played musical chairs in their office. They were told they needed to walk around the chairs in a ___________ manner until the music stopped.
22) Ashleigh was lucky to have such a wonderful __________ in her life. Since Lucy was just a tiny puppy, her and Ashleigh were inseparable.
3) Attempting to __________ from one destination to another can be really challenging if you don’t have a map, or any idea of the language in that country.
8) Ms. Carmen deserves a Nobel Prize for her efforts in creating the G5 homework books. Her charitable acts are enjoyed by both students and teachers alike.
13) The most ____________ of students will engage in the Student Leadership Project, which will take place after the school field trip.
18) I need a crazy monkey that will ________ bananas to me when I am hungry while doing homework.
23) Organic matter is an example of a __________ property.
4) Many new cars will go through a _____________________ period before being sold to customers. They want to see if all of the new features work, and if anything needs to be fixed.
Mr. Kai’s ________ of school has changed since he was a young student. When he was young, he hated school. Now, he loves it!
14) Jumping off of a plane with no parachute is not an action I would describe as ____________.
19) Gold is the most ___________ metal in the world.
24) A __________ for mass distribution of ____________ was claimed by Andrew J. Moyer.
5) All of the G5 teachers rely on Mr. Joe for the science information. You could say that we all serve as an _________ under his guidance.
All of the G5 teachers rely on Mr. Joe for the science information. You could say that we all serve as an apprentice under his guidance.
10) The small business made a _______ decision to up the cost of their products.
15) Ms. Hannah displays amazing ________ to create the weekly classwork books for all of the students. She has very little time to create something so unique!
20) On special occasions, one of the G5 teachers turns into a silly, giant mushroom. When this happens, we call this teacher, Mr. _________.
On special occasions, one of the G5 teachers turns into a silly, giant mushroom. When this happens, we call this teacher, Mr. Fungus.
Who will your G6 teachers be next year?
我不知道 ;)