SDG Related
Writing & Foundational Skills

the action of buying and selling



Which "relative pronoun" is the most suitable for the following sentence?

ETU school is a place _______ you can learn and have fun at the same time. 

a. who

b. where

c. which

b. where


What is the name of our SDG project this semester?

Young Entrepreneur 


1. What is "point of view"?

2. Whose "point of view" is it in "Horton Hears a Who"? 

1. It is about who is telling the story. There are mainly two different kinds of point of view: First person point of view and Third person point of view. 

2. Third person point of view - narrator 


What do the following prefixes and suffixes mean?

- dis           -ness

- co            -less

 dis- = opposite of

 co- = together

-ness = a state or quality

-less = without


the people who start their own businesses, usually a new one



Please fill in the gap. (First Conditional)

1. If it rains tomorrow, we ____________ (stay) indoors. 

2. If you ____________ (water) the plants, they will grow beautifully.

3. If he ____________ (not, hurry), he will miss the bus.

1. will stay

2. water

3. doesn't hurry 


What is a business plan?

Key points:

bone structure

It answers who, what, how, where, and why questions. 

-business concept

-company descriptions 

-service or product descriptions

-understanding of the market

-description of finances 


What is figurative language?

Please identify the figurative language in the following sentences. 

1. The waves were as loud as a lion when they hit the shore.

2. Her eyes were diamonds in the dark. 

3. The old house made noises like it was talking to the wind.

4. She had so much to do, it felt like her list would never end.

It is the meaning of the language you need to figure out when you read. 

1. Simile

2. Metaphor

3. Personification

4. Hyperbole


What's the difference between formal and informal language? 

Formal language is like how you talk to your boss or write in a school report. Informal language is like how you chat with your friends or family when you're just hanging out.


a gentle warning or friendly reminder



1. What is "reported speech"?

2. What changes need to be made when you are reporting?

3. Please give one example of "reported speech"?

1. When we report what other people said to another person, we use "reported speech".

2. When we are reporting, we change the pronouns ("I" to "he/she/it"), the tenses (present to past), and time expressions ("today" to "that day" and "this evening" to "that evening". 

3. Examples:

She said she would be late because of traffic.

He told us he finished the project early.

They said the meeting was moved to next week.


What is the difference between a "Pricing Manager" and a "Cashier"?

A "Pricing Manager" is a person who sets the price, this person knows the cost of making the product, and the profit they can make out of it. 

A "Cashier" is a person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a shop. 


What is a "Theme"? 

What are some of the features? 

Can you name two examples from a story or two?

A theme is a lesson or message the author wants to deliver to the readers. It tells us what we should and shouldn't do. 

A theme is a sentence, not a word. A theme is true for everyone. (young or old, rich or poor)


1. True love always wins in the end. - Cinderella

2. Slow but steady might help you win. - The Hare and the Tortoise 


What is a "Mystery" story?

What are some of the features of a Mystery? 

1. A mystery story is a type of fiction that involves a crime or puzzle that needs to be solved. 

2. Mystery stories have a problem to solve, a detective to figure things out, clues to follow, and a surprise ending that reveals the truth behind the mystery. They're like puzzles that keep you guessing until the very end!


do something right now, no waiting



Please read the following sentences and 1) explain what grammar point it is, and then 2) give 2 more examples. 

a. The delicious cookies were baked by Tweety and Qingtian.

b. The colorful mural was painted by a talented artist.

c. An exciting movie was watched by the whole class.

d. The big cake was stolen. 

f. An interesting story was told by her friend.

1) Passive Voice

2) Examples:

A funny joke was told by the class clown.

The beautiful song was sung by a talented singer.


What do investors/sharks want to know about your business before they invest in you? Please briefly explain the key points. 

1. What the company does. (business model, business plan) 

2. How the company makes money.

3. What do you do differently? 

4. If they could get more money back in the future.


Please "compare and contrast" the following two items. 

In schools, we have chalkboards and whiteboards. Chalkboards are old and teachers write on them with chalk. Whiteboards are newer and teachers use markers that can be erased easily. Chalkboards can be dusty but give a classic feel, while whiteboards are clean and easy to use, even for showing digital stuff. Both boards are great for learning and teaching, each with its own good points.

- Chalkboards:  

Old, use chalk to write  


Gives a classic feel 


Newer, use markers that erase easily  

Clean and easy to use  

More modern feel 


Both are useful for teaching, but with different features and advantages.



What is a story mountain? Which five parts are included in a story mountain? 

A story mountain is like a map that shows the important parts of a story, from the beginning to the exciting part to the end. It helps writers plan their stories better.

1. introduction 2. rising action 3. climax 4. falling action 5. resolution 


a detailed smart plan that helps solve certain problems 



Review: Please identify the tenses of the following sentences. 

1) The cake was stolen by a mysterious person. 

2) I have never been to Europe before this trip.

3) She said that she would arrive at the airport by 3 p.m.

1) Passive Voice

2) Present Perfect

3) Reported Speech


Please name 5 things you learned from the business project. 

Answers vary


Please read the following text, and make some inferences out of it. 

The backyard was full of fun with balloons floating around and kids laughing happily. Sarah, the birthday girl, beamed with excitement as her friends arrived, each carrying colorful gifts wrapped in shiny paper. They couldn't wait to take a swing at the bright pinata hanging in the corner. Soft music played in the background as the sun slowly set, marking the end of a day filled with games, treats, and shared laughter, leaving behind hints of a party that would be remembered for a long time.

- Sarah is the main person at the party, maybe for her birthday

- Guests brought wrapped gifts for her

- The party is fun with balloons, laughter, and games - There are traditional party things like a pinata and a dessert table

- The party seems to last a long time, starting during the day and going into the evening


What does the following idiom mean?

"Curiosity killed the cat."

This idiom means that being too curious can lead to trouble or harm.
