What is Ms. Laarni's last name?
What is 傘 in English?
It's umbrella.
Where is Japan?
Japan is in Asia. (ASIA)
What is the national sport of Japan?
I name is Ruki.
(1 mistake)
My name is Ruki.
How many children does Ms.Tanabe have?
How do you say 私の最高の思い出 in English?
My Best Memory
What is Deepa's treasure?
How many legs does a spider have?
Eight (8)
Nice talk to your.
(2 mistakes)
Nice talking to you.
What is Ms.Tanabe's favorite japanese food?
How do you say 私の週末 in English?
My Weekend
What do you do on weekends?
I usually ~.
(I usually play soccer.)
When do leaves die?
In fall (Autumn)
I'm want to be an cooking.
(3 mistakes)
I want to be a cook.
What is Ms. Tanabe's treasure?
How do you say 狩猟は大きな問題だ in English?
Hunting is a big problem.
Where do you want to go?
I want to go to ~.
(I want to go to Korea.)
If you freeze water, what do you get?
10 a.m. sometimes at shopping go I
I sometimes go shopping at 10 a.m.
Who is Ms.Tanabe's favorite japanese actor?
Satoh Takeru (Battosai)
How do you say 私は午後6時に朝食を食べません in English?
I never eat breakfast at 6 p.m.
What club do you want to join in JHS? Why?
I want to join the~ (team/club).
I'm good at~.
How many bones do sharks have?
are These from apples Aomori.
These apples are from Aomori.