What is the joining line between flowchart blocks called?
Flow line / connector
Commonly used for: Storing photographs
Number of colours: 24 bits: over 16 million colours
Transparent background? No
Animation? No
The most popular social media in the world
Write the Python code for We'll miss you Mr Ian
print("We'll miss you Mr Ian")
The place where we brainstormed images of ideas we might design is called an _______
ideas board
What country is Mr Ian from?
Draw a process box
Commonly used for: Used for images with large blocks of colour, for animated images, for images with a transparent background where a sharp line is important e.g. square, logo
Number of colours: 8 bits: 256 colours
Lossy or lossless? Lossless
Transparent background? Yes
Animation? Yes
'Laser', 'Dot Matrix' and 'Inkjet' are types of which output computer device?
Rewrite this variable so that it follows good rules of coding
Choose 6 of the most important things to consider before creating the design and write them up in your _________________
Design specification
What pet does Mr Ian have?
A dog
What type of box is this?
Decision box
Commonly used for: Good for transparent images when smooth outlines are important. Good for print ready graphics.
Number of colours: 24 bits: 16.7 million colours
Lossy or lossless? Lossless
Transparent background? Yes
Animation? No
When was Google founded? (Closest answer wins)
Word that means to join multiple values together
Draw the Design Cycle
What brand of phone does Mr Ian have?
What is this part of a flow chart called?
Commonly used for: This format is rarely used nowadays. It does work with virtually any graphics package.
Number of colours: 32 bits: over 4 billion colours
Lossy or lossless? Lossless
Transparent background? No
Animation? No
BMP / Bitmap
When was the first 1GB hard drive sold? (Closest answer wins)
Correct this code
thingy = input("Tell me your name. ")
if thingy = "Bob"
print("Hey, Bob")
Correct 3 things.
name = input("Tell me your name ")
if thingy == "Bob":
print("Hey, Bob")
What is this Tinkercad tool called?
Align tool
How tall is Mr Ian?
Draw an input / output box
Student answers
Commonly used for: Used for archiving image files which might need to be edited at a later date. This is because they are lossless so they can be edited without losing data.
Number of colours: 8 bits: 256 colours or 16 bits: 65,536 colours
Lossy or lossless? There are different standards of this image and although they can be either lossy or lossless, they mainly used as a lossless format.
Transparent background? Yes
Animation? No
How much memory (RAM) did Mr Ian's first computer have?
Using the variable holiday, write one line of code that outputs the value in lower case only.
What was the name of the product that the man was selling in the first Dragon's Den video that we watched?
Bedlam Cube
What is Mr Ian's birthday (d/m/y)