Korea/Japan/S.E Asia
Medieval Europe
Renaissance & Reformation

A new form of the ideas of the philosopher Confucius; including Buddhist and Daoist beliefs.

What is neo-Confucianism.


The founder and first emperor of the Sui dynasty.

Who is Emperor Wendi.


Korea has been most greatly influenced by these two countries. 

What are China and Japan. 


1. Europe’s seas and rivers played an important part in Europe’s growth because they provided...

1. What are: protection and opportunities for trade.


1. A religious movement that produced a new form of Christianity known as Protestantism.

2. A renewal or rebirth of interest in Greek and Roman arts.

1. What is Reformation.

2. What is the Renaissance.


A ceramic made of fine clay baked at very high temperatures. 

What is porcelain. 


The only woman in Chinese history to rule the country on her own.

Who is Empress Wu.


The following are the three early Korean kingdoms.

What are: Koguryo, Paekche, and Silla. 


Name of a tribe of Germanic people who settled the area known today as France?

Who are Franks.


List two factors that made Italy the birthplace of the Renaissance.

1. It was the heart of the old Roman Empire.

2. Contained the architecture and art of ancient Rome that inspired Renaissance artists and thinkers.

3. Italian cities had become very wealthy by the 1300s and could pay artists.


A political order where nobles governed and protected people in return for services. 

What is feudalism. 


Tang officials feared Buddhism’s growing influence. As a result, the Tang government…

What is destroyed many Buddhist monasteries and temples.


People who follow Shinto believe…

Everything in nature has a spirit. 


1. King Henry II set up a central royal court with lawyers and judges. They set up a body of ________ by replacing laws that differed from place to place. 

2. In 1215, the nobles met ______ at Runnymede where they forced him to sign the Great Charter. 

1. What is common law.

2. Who is King John. 


What did Renaissance painters use to make their work look three dimensional?

What is perspective.


1. A mounted man at arms, serving a lord, and abiding by the code of chivalry. 

2. A belief in the worth of the individual and that reason is a path to knowledge. 

1. Who is a knight. 

2. What is humanism.


1. The Chinese discovered that they could use this substance to heat things and make steel.

2. In the Song dynasty, the Chinese economy grew when they printed _____.

1. What is coal.

2. What is paper currency.


1. The river valleys, coastal deltas, and volcanoes of Southeast Asia have resulted in…

2. This country was home to the ancient Khmer people.

1. Rich soil that is good for farming.

2. What is Cambodia.


1. In 1095 Pope Urban II called for a crusade against...

2. The pope urged Europe's nobles to capture the city of _______, freeing it from its invaders.

1. Who are the Muslim Turks. 

2. What is Jerusalem.


1. The first leader of the Christian humanism movement.

2. Reductions in punishment sold by the pope to get money to repair St. Peter's in Rome.

1. Who was Desiderius Erasmus

2. What are indulgences.


1. A document signed by King John in 1215 which placed limits on the king's power and empowered the people. 

2. A religious belief that contradicts what the church says is true. 

1. What is the Magna Carta.

2. What is heresy.


1. The Mongol Empire was known as the largest ______ empire the world had ever known. 

2. By 1279, this Mongol ruler had completed the conquest of China.

1. What is land.

2. Who is Kublai Khan.


The two landforms that make up the geography of Southeast Asia are...

What are: peninsulas and archipelagos


The medieval state of Kievan Rus gained wealth through river trade with...

What are: Scandinavia and the Byzantine Empire.


1. In England, how did religious change begin?

2. The key component that differentiates Lutheranism and Calvinism is _______. 

1. As a political quarrel between the king and the pope. Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife Catherine to marry Anne Boleyn, however, this was not allowed by the church. 

2. predestination.


1. An illness caused by a type of bacteria spread by fleas.

2. A pardon or forgiveness for a sin.

3. A religious belief that god has already decided who will go to heaven and who will not. 

1. What is the Black Death.

2. What is an indulgence. 

3. What is predestination.


1. List three achievements of the Sui dynasty.

2. List two achievements of the Tang dynasty. 

1. a. Repaired the Great Wall. b. Rebuilt the city of Changan. c.Built the Grand Canal.

2.a. restored a strong central government, b. brought back civil service exams, c. gave land to farmers bringing peace to the countryside, d. added more officials to the government, e.strengthened the military.


1. Name of the new capital city built by Japanese emperors in the early A.D. 700s.

2.  Prince Shotoku looked to this country as an example of a successful government.

1. What is Nara.

2. What is China.


List four effects of the Crusades on Europe...

1. The east shared new knowledge with the west about architecture, shipbuilding, map-making, and how to use the compass to tell direction

2. Wealthy people in Europe began to demand eastern goods such as spices, sugar, lemons, and silk.

3. Weakened feudalism

4. Kings were able to build stronger central governments. 

5. Caused bitter feelings between Christians and Muslims.


1. Names of three of the most famous Renaissance artists.

2. Name of the first protestant church.

3. Three main ideas of the first protestant church.

1. Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, and Raphael Sanzio. 

2. Lutheranism 

3. faith in Jesus brings someone a place in heaven, the Bible is the final source for truth about God, the church is made up of its believers not just the clergy. 
