The Vietnam War

Name given to documents about the Vietnam War leaked to the press in 1971 that showed that LBJ had always wanted the U.S. to go to war.

Pentagon Papers


Names of three countries that made up the 1940 Tripartite Pact/Berlin Pact.

What are: Italy, Germany, and Japan.


1.The function of Stalin's satellite nations.

2. Name two Satellite nations.

1. Satellite nations acted as a buffer for the Soviet Union against future attacks or invasions, in addition to providing valuable resources for Soviet development.

2. Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and East Germany


In 1960, the Soviets shot down a U.S. plane called ______ that was gathering intelligence in Soviet air space. 

What is the U2 Spy Plane.


1. Years of the Vietnam War.

2. Name of Vietnamese leader who led a rebellion against Japan, and in 1945 declared Vietnam a free country.

1. 1955-1975

2. Ho Chi Minh


Name of first African American Supreme Court Justice. 

Who is Thurgood Marshall.


Term given to the practice of making harsh accusations without evidence. 



Names of the two military and political alliances of WWII and three major powers that made up each side.

Allies: Great Britain, France, The U.S.

Axis: Germany, Japan, Italy



1. Definition of the policy of containment.

2. List and explain the function of two policies used by the U.S. to aid 'containment.'

1. The policy of preventing communism from spreading beyond the eastern communist bloc.

2. Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan: 

- Truman Doctrine- military aid provided to countries that were fighting communism.

- Marshall Plan- economic assistance provided to countries whose economies had been destroyed during the war. 


1. The ________ was a failed attempt by the U.S. and Cuban exiles to overthrown Fidel Castro in 1961.

2. After this event, Castro turned to the Soviets for protection against future U.S. aggression. The Soviets responded by providing Cuba with ______.

3. The U.S.' discovery of the Soviet's aid to Cuba inaugurated what became known as the ________. 

1. What is Bay of Pigs Invasion.

2. Nuclear weapons

3. Cuban Missile Crisis. 



1. Name given to the collection of documents relating to Indochina, issuing from the Geneva Conference.

2. Two provisions of these documents are: 

 1. The Geneva Accords

2. a cease-fire line along the 17th parallel which divided Vietnam into North and South; 300 days for each side to withdraw its troops to its side of the line; free elections in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.


The _____ were a series of conferences and international treaties signed between the U.S. and the Soviet Union which aimed at reducing the number of long range ballistic missiles that each side could possess. 

What is the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.


A collective defense organization designed to protect the members of the former Allies after WWII. 




List and explain three causes of WWII.

Causes of WWII: 

  • The Treaty of Versailles

  • Hitler’s Foreign Policy Aims

  • The Munich Conference

  • Failure of the League of Nations 

  • The Policy of Appeasement 

  • The Polish Corridor


1. After WWII, North Korea adopted ______ as their economic system, and South Korea adopted _____ as their economic system. 

2.This organization sent troops to aid the South Koreans in their fight against North Korean forces.

3. This was a notable event because...

1. communism, capitalism

2. The United Nations

3. It was the first time that a peacekeeping organization was successful in using its military to halt aggression. 


1. Who were Freedom Riders?

2. In what year did the Freedom Rides take place?

3. What was the purpose of the rides?

1. Freedom Riders were activist who rode busses throughout the South during the Civil Rights Movement. 

2. The 1960s.

3. To test whether the 1960 Supreme Court Ruling that outlawed segregation on public transportation was being upheld in the South. 


1. Name of Communist militia in S. Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia that sought to conquer the south and create a unified Vietnam.

2. Route that brought weapons from North Vietnam to the communist militia. 

3. This U.S. vessel was stationed off the coast of North Vietnam in the Gulf of Tonkin, and was reportedly attacked by North Vietnam torpedo boats.

1. Vietcong

2. Ho Chi Minh Trail

3. USS Maddox



Names of two Washington Posts journalists who were instrumental in uncovering the Watergate Scandal. 

Who are: Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. 


The imaginary line dividing Europe between Soviet Influence and Western Influence.

The Iron Curtain


1. Hitler's army used the strategy of ______ to attack Poland on September 1, 1939.

2. On September 3, 1939, ______ and ______ declared war on Germany because of its attack on Poland. 

3. The ______ was France's defense line against a possible German invasion. However, 50 miles in the Ardennes along France's border with Belgium was not fortified, and Germany was able to attack French and British forces by going through Belgium and the Netherlands. 

4. The Germans were able to trap the Belgian, French, and British forces in the northwest corner of France. Their only hope was an evacuation by sea. English vessels including naval destroyers, yachts and fishing boats sailed to France to rescue the trapped Allies- this event was called ___________. 

1. Blitzkrieg

2. Britain and France

3. Maginot Line

4. The Miracle at Dunkirk


1. Explain Eisenhower's 'New Look' policy of 1953.

2. Definition of the 1960 deterrence policy, M.A.D.

3. M.A.D was founded on the principle that...

1. The policy prioritized having a large stockpile of nuclear weapons as oppose to a standing army. - --Funding for the military, and navy were cut, and the Airforce was prioritized. Additionally, education policies for STEM were passed that encouraged more Americans to study math and the sciences. 

2. Mutual Assured Destruction. 

3. Countries who were equally matched in nuclear strength would be deterred from deploying their missiles against the other, as that would result in world destruction. 



1. What was the purpose of the Birmingham Campaign? 

2. What was the consequence for activist MLK during the campaign, and why?

1. The goal of the campaign was to completely stop segregation in Birmingham Alabama. 

2. MLK was imprisoned for attempting to stage a sit-in in the economic area of the city. 


1. Name of resolution passed by the U.S. Congress in 1964 which gave LBJ authority to increase involvement in the war between North and South Vietnam.

2. Name of the U.S.' first major offensive in the Vietnam War.

1. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

2. Operation Rolling Thunder.


1. What did Iranian protestors break into during the fall of 1979? 

2. What was this event called?

3. What did the Iranians want to be shipped to them in exchange for the hostages?

1. The American Embassy

2. The Iran Hostage Crisis

3. Their Shah


The government of France after Germany defeated and occupied it at the beginning of WWII.

The Vichy Government.


Three tactics used by the Einsatzgruppen to exterminate the Jews...

Tactics include:

 -Victims were shot and buried in mass graves

- Gas vans 

- Death by hard labor 

- Gas chambers 

- Death camps



1. The Committee designed to investigate people who might be practicing "un-American" activities was ______. 

2. _____ was a U.S. Senator who claimed to know 205 Communists who were working in the U.S. Department of State in addition to several other agencies. 

3. The U.S. helped to form the _______ also known as SEATO in 1954.

4. SEATO was created for....

1. The House of Un-American Activities.

2. Joseph McCarthy

3. Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

4. the collective defense of Southeast Asian countries. The U.S. began to send aid to French forces who were fighting communists in Vietnam. 


Who was George Wallace, and how did his actions contribute to a Civil Rights bill?

George Wallace was a four-time governor of Alabama, and a segregationist. Wallace encouraged Alabamans to do all that they could to prevent school integration. In 1963, he stood in the door of the Foster Auditorium at the University of Alabama trying to block integration.

In response, JFK addressed the nation-criticizing Wallace, and called for a Civil Right's Bill.


1. Name of war crime committed by Lieutenant Calley and his U.S. troops, involving the mass murder of over 200 Vietnamese civilians. 

2. This event inspired the Kent State University protests in the U.S.

1. My Lai Massacre

2. The invasion of Cambodia in 1970.


1. Description of Operation Eagle Claw. 

2. What caused the mission to fail?

1. The mission was supposed to send an elite rescue team into the embassy compound to rescue the hostages.

2. A severe desert sandstorm on the day of the mission caused several helicopters to malfunction, and eight servicemen were killed.
