The S.I base unit for this measurement is Kilograms, kg
What is the S.I Base Unit for mass?
It is 7th from the Sun
What is the position of Uranus from the sun?
1. The angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. 2. The incident ray, reflected ray, and normal all lie in the same 2D plane
What are the two laws of reflection?
Are you allowed to drink water in the lab?
The prefix "Giga" represents this amount
What prefix denotes ten to the power of nine?
It is not a true planet, it is a Dwarf Planet
What type of object is Pluto ?
Diverging light rays do this
What type of light rays spread apart from each other?
Earth's rotation about this Sun measures this unit of time
The change in the y-axis, divided by the change in the x-axis
What is the formula / definition for a gradient of a graph?
Jupiter contains this geological feature / meterological event
What planet contains the "Great Red Spot"?
The unit of measurement for luminosity
What is the Candela?
The feeling of floating experienced in free-fall
This type of error is consistent and occurs due to flaws in equipment or experimental design, affecting accuracy rather than precision.
What is a systematic error?
This is the name for a region in space where gravity is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape
What is a Black Hole?
Dispersion is the cause of this natural phenomena
What wave phenomena creates rainbows?
The equivalent value of 30,000nanometers in micrometers
30 micrometers