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This cartoon stars a neurotic wallaby and his best friend, a young cow.

What is Rocko's Modern Life?


This avian creation is known to give you "mystical powers" in this movie starring Ignacio.

What is eagle eggs?


The popular sport "Pickleball" earned its name due to this furry member of the family that invented it.

What is a/the dog?


This movie revolves around a young child who has to defend his home from robbers after he was left when his family went on Christmas vacation.

What is Home Alone?


This racket related injury to the muscle of this bent pasta used in macaroni and cheese.

What is tennis elbow pasta?


This video game series revolves around paying off your home loan by selling fish, bugs, fossils and even fruit. 

What is Animal Crossing?


While trying to find his father, this North Polean man is mistaken to be this and is forced to sing when he shows up at his father's office.

What is a Christmas Gram?


When a runner is running between two bases to prevent being out in baseball, it is referred to this, also what you could do to the with a lot of smoke inside of a car or room. 

What is hotboxing?


This well known father of 3 somehow works at a nuclear power plant, despite the fact that he is depected as quite the idiot. 

Who is Homer Simpson?


This delicious pastry consisting of nuts can also help you summarize a set of data in a conference. 

What is pecan pie chart?


These two children, who star in this show of their own name, technically "own" death.

What is the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy?


The only answer this child receives is "You'll shoot your eye out, kid" everytime he mentions this as his most wanted Christmas gift.

What is a Red Ryder BB Gun?


You would think it would have something to do with space, but it's really just the term for the synthic grass they put in sport arenas. 

What is astroturf?


He's the main antogonist in this heavily gorey Prime exclusive show.

Who is Homelander? 


This explosive apocalyptic aftermath also happens to be when the sun is lowest in the sky, causing darkness to occur earlier.

What is nuclear winter solstice?


Slurp juice, tilted towers, crankin' 90s and V-Bucks are all terms you'll here in this popular shooting game.

What is Fortnite?


A young Anton Yelchin refers to Erykah Badu as this in this heartbreaking movie about a kid and his tragic coming of age story. 

What is Lady?


Three strikes in a row is oddly enough called a "Turkey", but 4 in a row might make you think about pork instead.

What is a hambone? 


This place is commonly know as the "Store for Dads".

What is Home Depot?


This popular internet phenomenon involving flailing about also can help you bread your pork chops to fry them.

What is Harlem shake and bake?


Known as "The Father of First Person Shooters", this game has you killing cyber-demons while donning an iconic green suit. 

What is Doom?


This rhyming first and last name makes Adam Sandler's character laugh in this movie about a wedding singers life.

Who is Julia Gulia?


Chopped liver, hippopotamus defense and the hillbilly attack are just some of the oddest names for these in this popular strategy game.

What is an opening?


This is known as an alternative approach to medicine based on the belief that natural substances can restore your health. 

What is homeopathic?


This common known phrase ending most classic fairy tales about couples may also be followed up by the placenta. 

What is happily ever after birth?
