The repetition of a word or phrase at the end of successive sentences or clauses
What is Epistrophe?
A question asked for effect, not meant to be answered
What is a Rhetorical Question?
adding more detail or information to a statement to enhance its meaning
What is Amplification?
A contrast or opposition between two ideas or phrases
What is an Antithesis?
The name of the popular TV show that features a group of friends living in New York City, including characters like Ross and Rachel
What is Friends?
The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive sentences or clauses
What is Anaphora?
A phrase whose meaning is different from the literal meaning of its individual words
What is an Idiom?
A short, personal story used to illustrate a point
What is an Anecdote?
Placing two or more ideas, characters, or settings close together for comparison
What is a juxtaposition?
pop singer is known for hits like "Shake It Off" and "Blank Space"?
What is Taylor Swift?
An exaggeration
What is Hyperbole?
Informal language or expressions used in everyday conversation
What is Colloquialism?
indirect word or expression used in place of one that may be considered harsh or blunt
What is a Euphemism?
A statement that seems contradictory but reveals a deeper truth
What is a paradox?
Animated movie features a young girl named Moana who embarks on a journey across the ocean to save her island
What is Moana?
The use of multiple conjunctions in close succession
What is Polysyndeton?
memorable statement that expresses a general truth or principle
What is Aphorism?
A figure of speech in which a part is used to represent the whole or vice versa
What is a Synecdoche?
A rhetorical device in which the structure of one phrase is inverted in the following phrase (ABBA)
What is Chiasmus?
Plays the character Iron Man
Who is Robert Downey Jr.
The omission of conjunctions between parts of a list or series
What is Asyndeton?
providing examples to illustrate a point
What is Exemplification?
A figure of speech where one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated
What is Metonymy?
The use of similar grammatical structures in a series of phrases or sentences for emphasis
What is Parallelism?
the name of the wizarding school that Harry Potter attends
What is Hogwarts?