What Jewish practice does Paul argue should not apply to Gentile converts?
The author of Galatians.
The just shall live by _____.
Paul states at the beginning of the book that he obtained the Gospel that he teaches by a…
a revelation of Jesus Christ.
Finish this statement: Garbage in, _____________
Garbage out.
Paul says that in Christ, we are no longer slaves but these…
Sons of God.
According to Galatians, who are the descendants of Abraham?
those who are of faith.
What Jewish practice does Paul argue should not apply to Gentile converts?
What word did Paul use to describe the Galatians?
What is the first work of the flesh Paul lists?
Paul encourages to stand fast in _______
What apostle did Paul oppose face-to-face for separating himself from the Gentiles?
Two ways to approach God. Either by Earning and Deserving, OR ________ and _________ .
Believing and Receiving.
As adopted sons/daughters of God, we can now call God this…
ABBA, Father
What agricultural principle does Paul apply to the flesh and the Spirit?
Reaping and Sowing.
Finish this statement: No amount of ____________ , can make up for one act of disobedience.
In Paul’s illustration, this woman represents the covenant of freedom.
Paul compares the law to this type of household servant.
A Tutor
According to Paul, what conclusion follows if righteousness comes through keeping the Law?
Then Christ died in vain.
Who gave Paul and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship?
James, Cephas, and John.
In this illustration on the battle between the flesh and the spirit, “Which wolf will win?”
The one you feed.
This man was not forced to be circumcised, even though he was a Greek.
What distinctions does Paul say no longer exist when we “put on Christ”? (All 3)
Jew or Greek, Slave or Free, Male or Female.
Without using your bible, list the 9 fruit of the Spirit.
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Where did Paul go after he converted and met Jesus?