Give birth while standing, which means their babies fall about six feet when they are born.
Who is the youngest disney princess
snow white
This woman gave birth to Him
the first female pilot to fly across the Atlantic Ocean
Amelia Earhart
Are tampons or pads more globally used
This animal's eye is bigger than its brain.
This disney princess does not have an american accent in the movie
This heroine saved the Jewish people from the plot of the wicked Haman
the first Black woman to become a billionaire, she is now a talkshow host
Oprah winfrey
what is the average amount of time girls spend on social media each day
5 hours
Female reach two-thirds of their adult size by the time they are two years old.
This disney princess has 18 lines altogether in her whole movie
sleeping beauty/ aurora
This heroine saved his brother when he was just an infant in a basket
a co-founder of Mattel, invented the Barbie doll in 1959
Ruth Handler
How fast do girls hair grow?
6 inches a year
Female pick their favorite male to mate with based on dancing ability
How many times did cinderella lose her shoe throughout the whole movie?
This woman was a military leader and a judge (can literally be found in Judges)
Considered one of the world’s greatest humanitarians, she dedicated her life to charity work.
Mother theresa
what is the average age for women to hit menopause
This animal have three vaginas and two uteri
who is the only princess who wasnt a teenager at the time of the movie?
This heroine killed someone with a tent peg
led slaves to safety via the Underground Railroad. From 1850 to 1860, she made 19 trips from the South to the North to free more than 300 people.
Harriet Tubman
Average number of teeth female adult have