What flower is the most symbolic of Valentine's Day?
What is the date of Valentine's Day?
February 14
What term, derived from ancient Greek, refers to selfless, unconditional love and is often used in Christian theology to describe the love of God for humanity?
What does GCY stand for?
Grace Church Youth
Cupid is the "Child of ___"
What is the name of the patron saint that Valentine's Day is named after?
Saint Valentine
In John 21:15-17, how many times is Peter asked by Jesus if he loves Him?
How many members do we have part of GCY?
Name the two most popular candies sold on Valentine's Day?
Candy hearts (conversation hearts) and chocolate heart boxes
Which popular/famous poet inspired writing "letters to Juliet" set in Verona?
William Shakespeare
When is the word LOVE first mentioned in the Bible (NIV)?
Genesis 22
Who was considered the first official youth leader of Grace Church?
Pastor Victor !!!
What is the bird of Valentine's Day?
When was the first valentine sent? Which century
15th Century/1415
How many times does LOVE appear in the Bible (NIV)?
What's the vision for 2025?
Foundations of a Normal Chrisitian Life
Along with Valentine's Day what other holiday sells the most flowers?
Mother's Day
Long ago women used to believe that if a ___ flew over thier head they were going to marry a sailor
Finish this: 1 John 2:9 -- "Anyone who loves thier brother and sister lives _________, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble"
in the light
What's the most popular syrup flavor used at gcy coffee?