anna graces home state
what is Iowa
one of sarita's favorite ways to move her body
what is running
cece's favorite seasoning
emilys favorite movie
what is MEGAMIND?
jojo's full name
what is josephina?
AG's high school sport
what is XC?
what is cheer?
what is dance?
sarita's mom's name
what is real madrid?
ceces favorite color
what is PINKKKK
the sport emily played in high school
jojo's first summer role
what is counseling?
the only type of meat AG eats
what is grass fed?
the meaning of her name
what is little princess?
what is 14?
the amount of sisters emily has
what is 3?
jojo's hometown
what is zanesville?
her sister's full names
what is kayla and taylor?
what is a white ford focus?
cece's godson's name
what is fulton?
emily's hometown
what is faribault minnesota?
one of jojo's many unique jobs (will accept multiple answers)
what is a mechanic?
where AG's parents met
what is texas?
sarita's major in college
what is psycology?
the only reason cece's mom was going to let her drop out of school
what is to be a nun?
emilys older brother's name
who is louis?
the three damascus families jojo is related too
who are the horns, alweins and the rodgers?