What's the name of the big silver incense burner in Santiago's cathedral?
Who wrote the famous poem "Adios, ríos; adios, fontes; adios, regatos pequenos;"?
Rosalía de Castro
Name six Galician cities.
A Coruña, Lugo, Ourense, Pontevedra, Santiago, Vigo...
"Uns pican e outros non". What are they?
Green peppers from Padrón.
What is the name of the TVG TV show that has been on air for 32 years (since 1992) every Friday night? (2024)
What does "meiga" mean?
A witch, a sorcerer.
According to the popular song, what is painted on Carolina's skirt?
A lizard
What is the westernmost place in Galicia (and Spain)?
Cabo Fisterra
Tipically cooked "á feira".
What's the name of the traditional Galician dance?
How do you say "homesick" in Galician?
Why is the song "Os pinos" important? ("Qué din os rumorosos na costa verdescente...?)
It is the Galician anthem.
Where is A Torre de Hércules located?
A Coruña
A MUST on the table in every Galician celebration. There's a different recipe in each home. It can be filled with zorza, calamares, pulpo, zamburiñas...
Empanada/Galician pie
Name the three things that make Ourense famous.
O Santo Cristo, As Burgas e a Ponte Romana.
When is Santiago Apóstol festivity celebrated in Galicia?
25th July
According to the popular song, what will happen to the Rianxeira if she leaves?
She will feel dizzy.
What's the name of the river that runs through Galicia from the Northeast to the Southwest?
Name, at least, 5 different shellfish in Galician.
Ameixa, berberecho, mexillón, percebe, santiaguiño, vieira, zamburiña, navalla, nécora, centola, boi, cigala...
Where in Galicia can you visit one of the oldest, complete, preserved and restored Roman walls in the Iberian Peninsula?
Famous Islands in Galicia
Cíes, Ons...
Female music Group that played the famous song "Terra"
Where can you find hot springs?
Ourense, As Burgas
Desserts tipically eaten during the Carnival celebrations.
Orellas e filloas.
The scariest procession of dead people who go out at night around the villages.
A Santa Compaña