What was Galileo's hometown?
Pisa, Italy
How many of Jupiter's moons did Galileo discover?
What did Galileo's father want him to be later on in life?
True Or False? He continued to Create things when he was on House arrest.
What year did Galileo die?
True or False? In 1574, he moved to Florence with his family.
Which of Galileo's discoveries led to him being arrested?
The Earth is not the center of the universe.
What university did Galileo attend?
University of Pisa
What was the theory that ‘The Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems” Follow?
What did many people think the cause for Galileo going blind was?
Looking through his telescope constantly.
Where did Galileo receive his early education?
A monastery in Florence
What did Galileo discover about Venus?
A. Galileo discovered that Venus is tan in color
B. Galileo discovered that Venus has phases like the moon
C. Galileo discovered ice on Venus
D. Galileo discovered that Venus has volcanoes.
Why did Galileo withdraw from university?
What historic building did Galileo use to prove the law of constant acceleration?
The Leaning Tower of Pisa.
What year did Galileo receive house arrest?
When was Galileo born? (exact date)
Where was Galileo when he saw the chandelier swinging from the ceiling?
The Pisa Cathedral
The Florentine Academy
What year did he publish his first scientific masterpiece?
What was his fathers occupation?
What year did Galileo invent his own telescope and use it to discover things about the Milky Way?
Where was Galileo awarded the chair of mathematics?
What was the name of the book he published in 1632?
The dialogue concerning The two chief world systems
What theory did Galileo mainly support?
The Copernicus theory