The enlargement and dilation of the gallbladder?
Thickened bile that moves and has consistency of sand?
What are the 3 parts of the gallbladder?
Neck, body, fundus
The function of the gallbladder?
Store and transport bile manufactured from liver to duodenum
What type of transducer is used to image the gallbladder?
What is the measurement of the gallbladder wall?
What are the five "F"?
Forty, fat, fair, fertile, female
What makes up the portal triad?
Common bile duct, hepatic artery, portal vein
What duct joins the common hepatic duct to form the common bile duct?
Cystic duct
Do patients need to be NPO?
The normal longitudinal measurement for the gallbladder?
Gallstones in the gallbladder?
Where does the CBD and Duct of Wirsung drain into?
Ampulla of Vater
What valve is in the neck of the gallbladder to help prevent kink of the cystic duct and helps push bile out when needed?
Heister's valve
What hyperechoic line connects the gallbladder to the portal vein?
Main lobar fissure
The measurement for a normal common bile duct?
Complete removal of the gallbladder?
Right and left hepatic veins join to form what duct?
Common hepatic duct
Is gallbladder intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal?
What 2 patient positions are used most for imaging the gallbladder?
Supine, LLD (can be prone, semi-erect)
Soft-well defined tissue projections from the gallbladder wall?
What muscular valve controls flow of bile and pancreatic juices into the duodenum?
Sphincter of Oddi
How much bile can the gallbladder store?
What do you do if pathology is found?
Color, scan in 2 planes, measure in 2 planes